Has My Betta Got Popeye?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Milton Keynes
I have just noticed my mum's betta has a BIG eye. It is like a huge bubble and has swollen right up? Does any1 know what it could be and how do i make him better? I have just done a water test and the results are ok. Ammonia oppm, Nitrite in between 0ppm and 0.25ppm, and Nitrate 40ppm.

She did a water change last week and didnt notice the betta having a big eye then, we just noticed tonight. He is looking sad and frightend when you go neatr the tank which he didnt before and also lays down quite a bit hiding from the light. I have taken a picture.


Please can you help and give me any advice to make him better, im really worried about him and we have had him from day 1.

Also we have noticed 2 Neons are very pale?? Could this be something else wrong as they have been like it for about a month! They are still eating as normal and swimming round as normal.

The fish my mum have are:

6x Neon
2x Cory's
1x Betta
1x Dwarf Frog
1x Molly
What size tank are all the fish in at the moment?
It looks and sounds as though he has got popeye and this is sometimes caused by poor water quality. Ideally, he needs to be removed and placed in a hospital tank where you can then treat him with medication. Try treating him with Melafix which is a 7 day treatment and then do a water change at the end of the 7 days. Only use half the recommended dose as they are sensitive fish. Also, remember to remove the carbon from the filter while you are treating him.
She has a 60 litre tank. I cant see how it's poor water quality because we have done a water change a week ago and all the test results i have just done are fine!

We have not got a hospital tank so any other suggestions? What does a hospital tank need?

Do a water change in the hospital tank after 7 days or the actual tank where all the other fish are kept?

Carbon from the filter? Is that also in the hospital tank or the main tank? Sorry little confused what you are trying to say as i dont know much :blush:

Thanks for your help :good:
If you haven't got a hospital tank, then you may just have to treat the whole tank. It may be worth doing another small water change before you medicate as there are traces of nitrite in the water and they should be reading 0.
Still use half the recommended dose of Melafix and remove the carbon (black sponge) from the filter. If you leave it in then the medication won't have a chance to work.
Ok i will have to go get some stuff tomorrow for the little fella, i feel so sorry for him :sad:

Ok i will do a small water change now then and see if i get a better reading tomorrow.

Theres only one big sponge in the filter, it's a tiny filter so remove that?? :blink:
No, don't remove the filter. Some filters have a white sponge and black sponge but it sounds as though yours only has the white. Leave the filter as it is and start the medication tomorrow.
Good luck and let us know how you get on. :good:
No its completly black, theres no other sponge in there. it's only a small filter that came with the tank.

So will this medication work with this still?

Thanks for your help i will start it tomorrow :good:
What type of filter is it? I'd be surprised if it's only a carbon sponge in there so you should be fine to start the treatment tomorrow.
I'm not familiar with that filter but I think it should be fine. Because it's black, I assumed it was a Carbon sponge but it's unlikely that would be the only sponge provided. I do honestly think it will be fine but it might be worth checking with other members just to make certain. ;)
No its just a sponge with a hole through the middle lol, no rocks or nothing

Thanks Stang u have been a great help.
Ok, so you just have a weird filter? ;) I would just go with the Melafix, then.

Good luck.

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