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  1. L

    A Bunch Of ?'s About Shell Dwellers

    Thanks for the replies i really dont mind if they breed ill just have to speak to some stores to see if they will take them off my hands. Is there any species that will take "care" of the fry for me so to speak or minimize them? I was leaning towards Multis how many would be good for a 10...
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    A Bunch Of ?'s About Shell Dwellers

    What would be best suited in a ten gallon tank,these are some of the fish i like... Neolamprologus similis Lamprologus stappersi/meleagris Lamprologus ornatipinnis Lamprologus signatus Lamprologus multifasciatus Is it best to do species only or can i mix some of them? I just want a show...
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    What Fishy Stuff Did You Get Today

    I went out and picked up 4 lonely cardinals to join my school of 6 for a total of 10
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    Sorry Got To Say It

    Im currently using it to treat some sort of fungus/columnaris/bacterial problem and its working wonders rite now,fish are eating again and getting back to normal looking. Its only been 3 days and it looks like its helping quite a bit on the remaining fish in the tank. I have used melafix in the...
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    Name This Disease

    ph is 6.0 always and im using api liquid
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    Name This Disease

    No spray polish or air fresheners used anywhere The cherry barb kicked the bucket The cardinals seem to be looking ok Stats are Ammo-0 Trite-0 Trate-10 Either my bacteria finally caught up from all the fish deaths and no feedings or the ammo just has not built up since the last 12...
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    Name This Disease

    I went out and got melafix it was the only thing i could find so hopefully i can save the rest of my fish. It is possible that the smoke is harming them somehow since i do smoke in the same room and have an open top tank,but ive read alot about smoke near tanks and never heard anything about...
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    Name This Disease

    Well i actually OD on the prime 1-2 capfulls per 50% wc on my 29 gallon Im gonna head out to the lfs to see what i can pick up hopefully i can save them
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    Name This Disease

    Ammo-1ppm Trite-0 Trate-20 Ph-6 Doing daily water changes I have 6 cardinals and 1 cherry barb I had 4 cories,2 checker barbs and a flying fox,all dead within 3-5 days I Have not treated since i wasnt sure what the problem was... i did increase temp and add extra aeration,the cherry barb is...
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    Name This Disease

    My fish are dropping like flies its very contagious but i cant really identify it...looks like some sort of fungus i think. The best way for me to describe it is it looks like their shedding their skin or the slime coat is comming off or something. It starts off with cloudy eyes...
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    Need Some Help

    Im not sure where to post this but I need some help deciding which light i should get for my 29 gallon tank im torn between the Coralife NO T-5 Aqualight Double Strip Light 2x18W 30" or the Current USA Nova Extreme 30" 2x24W T-5 HO Ive read alot on both but cant really make a choice, if anyone...
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    Why L.f.s. Workers Are Crazy

    Lmao this post made my night tnx
  13. L

    Aquaclear Filters

    Ive never tried peat and dont know if you could purchase bags of it but like i said its all preference you could add whatever you like inside the filter box.You dont need 30 some odd media in there one is enough. Yeah bio-wheels are just like the whisper and such theres just enough room for a...
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    Aquaclear Filters

    Well theres enough room in the 70 to add one big sponge,a bag of carbon,ceramic noodles and a bag of crushed coral for ph. pretty roomy if you think about it. In mine i just removed the carbon baggie and added another sponge for more media. The choice is yours on what you like to do with it...
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    Help With Stocking

    Well seeing as you have about 40 inches of fish in there already give or take a few if im correct,your pretty limited to your choices. Id say go with like 2 more hatchets like cuticom suggested or maybe a dwarf gourami. Just do a little research you will find what your looking for.
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    Few Fish Pics

    wow beautiful discus man keep up the good work
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    New Zeb Tak

    You have a nice tank and good looking zebras dude
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    Aquaclear Filters

    I keep mine on max flow and it gives off alot of aeration,my fish love the the current it outputs. For the 20 gal i would get the best one you could afford either the 110 or the 70 just cover the intake with a sponge or something else so they dont get sucked up into the filter,but im sure you...
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    Aquaclear Filters

    I have an ac 70 on my 29 and its pretty great it keeps the water clean and clear,i love the fact that it has loads of space to add whatever media you prefer.Always go bigger in size. It all depends on the size of your tank, canisters are usually the way to go if your tank is big.
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    I Need To Buy Some Ich Medication

    It has chelated copper,The chelating agent binds with the copper making it nontoxic to fish but effective against parasites. You could use it but i suggest you remove the snails and plants if you dont want them dying.
  21. L

    I Need To Buy Some Ich Medication

    That's the best one out there and also mardel coppersafe works great. You could also raise the temp and add some salt if your fish can tolerate it.Just read the directions and follow carefully. I hate ick/ich i get it everytime i add new fish.
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    Nitrate Help

    Api liquid,30 gallon tank,Aquaclear 70,No live plants,I used mature gravel from lfs,Idid one small 10-15% pwc a few days ago, 3-4 inches
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    Nitrate Help

    You didnt read the whole post,Its been 10 days and all readings are at 0 PPM ammo/nitri/nitra. Why should i remove the fish is theres no readings? my ammo and nitri kits are 2007 but my nitr is 06 maybe its old ill probably get a new one and see whats going on.
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    Nitrate Help

    Hey everyone a lilttle over a week ago i setup a new tank and added a mesh bag of gravel from an established tank inside the filter and put an oranda goldfish inside the tank. Ive been testing for everything and so far all 0ppm. Now im just a little confussed because i see no nitrates, is it...
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    Slowwwww Cycle

    Well i decided to go out and get some plants since no 1 would sell me media or gravel and after 36 days i finally see purple nitrite not blue so its working woohoo..
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    Slowwwww Cycle

    I started out doing a fishless cycle it lasted for a week and i caved and added fish now im doing a fishy cycle and its been 35 days and still no signs of nitrite, I did add biospira when i added the fish but i think it was dead cause it was half brown and half white i dunno.Ive tried getting...
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    Stocking Questions

    Hey everyone i need help stocking my 29 gallon tropical tank. I currently have 2 platys inside and i want to add some more fish, not all at once of course. I want to add a dwarf frog,dwarf gourami,discus,pleco,otto and a yoyo loach.Maybe ghost shrimp and angel fish but not sure.Can i get some...
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    I have a tank with 2 fish in it and i just got bio spira should i keep the lights off?
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    Cycling Help Plz

    So in other words i should wait it out huh?
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    Cycling Help Plz

    Hey everyone im new to fish tank keeping and i just started a fishless cycle and like an idiot i added about 3 and a half cap fulls of ammonia (i didnt know i was suppose to put drops lol).I let it run for about 2 days and its at about 7-8 ppm. Now on my 3rd day its still the same so i decided...