Nitrate Help


New Member
Mar 14, 2007
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Hey everyone a lilttle over a week ago i setup a new tank and added a mesh bag of gravel from an established tank inside the filter and put an oranda goldfish inside the tank. Ive been testing for everything and so far all 0ppm. Now im just a little confussed because i see no nitrates, is it going through a silent cycle or something? If everything is prossesing correctly i should atleast see some trates unless my trate kit is old. I mean a goldfish produces so much waste i would see some ammo if it hasnt cycled right? roughly how long does it take for trates to show up lets say for example after a pwc is carried out?
nitrates come last, do you have ammonia and/or nitrite? I would also remove the fish ASAP
You didnt read the whole post,Its been 10 days and all readings are at 0 PPM ammo/nitri/nitra.

Why should i remove the fish is theres no readings? my ammo and nitri kits are 2007 but my nitr is 06 maybe its old ill probably get a new one and see whats going on.
liquid or strips? Size of tank? What filter? Plants? Did you use mature media? How often do you do water changes? How bigs the goldfish?
Api liquid,30 gallon tank,Aquaclear 70,No live plants,I used mature gravel from lfs,Idid one small 10-15% pwc a few days ago, 3-4 inches
Your tank can't possibly be fully cycled in 10 days, I highly doubt that gravel would contain enough bacteria to seed a 30 gallon tank filter. If I were you I would take the goldfish either back to the store or have a friend babysit it in a stable tank for you for a few weeks while you do THIS.

Thats just my opinion though.

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