Name This Disease


New Member
Mar 14, 2007
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My fish are dropping like flies its very contagious but i cant really identify it...looks like some sort of fungus i think.
The best way for me to describe it is it looks like their shedding their skin or the slime coat is comming off or something.

It starts off with cloudy eyes not always but usually...then fins get all white,then it just takes off and covers their whole body till they die.

My tank has been cycled for months but i do have a small rise in ammo that ive been battling for like 2 weeks now i dont know what happened but i hope its just a mini cycle and not starting all over again.I do 50% wc weekly with a heavy gravel vac and try to match temps as best as i can and i use prime as dechlor.

Ive had this wipe out my whole tank awhile ago and its getting pretty annoying like just when i get my tank settled the way i like it and fully stocked i get this disease and every fish i have dies.Im thinking it has something to do with the ammo and stress but cant be positive.

Ive also had this happen once more not too long ago with 2 new fish i brought home one day they got it and just by me doing wcs for like 2 weeks it ended up going away which was weird.Anyway these are the best pics i can give hope someone can help me out.
Do you know the parameters?

what fish are in the tank ?

cloudy eye is a bacterial condition that is either caused by poor water conditions or in some cases chlorine poisoning,
from the images it looks like the fish have columnarius (a fungus) which is also caused by poor water conditions

have you been treating them?

Protozin or another anti fungus treatment will be required IMO, hopefully someone else can give you better advice on a particular treatment

edit: you may also want to gradually increase the temp to 28C and increase the aeration in the tank

Doing daily water changes

I have 6 cardinals and 1 cherry barb
I had 4 cories,2 checker barbs and a flying fox,all dead within 3-5 days

I Have not treated since i wasnt sure what the problem was... i did increase temp and add extra aeration,the cherry barb is about to take the dive but for some odd reason my cardinals dont seem to be affected....who knows for how long though
ok, you will need to start treating with an anit-fungus treamtent asap to prevent further losses, as well as obviously getting the ammonia level back to 0. Make sure your adding the correct doseage of prime to the water that you replace.
Well i actually OD on the prime 1-2 capfulls per 50% wc on my 29 gallon

Im gonna head out to the lfs to see what i can pick up hopefully i can save them
it sounds like water quality. When there is a problem with the aquarium water the fish produce excess mucous that sloths off them. It can make the fish look like they are covered in a milky white slime. Do some 50% water changes each day for a week and see what happens. Make sure any new water going into the tank is free of chlorine and has a similar temperature and PH to the tank. Also cut back on feeding during this time.
If the water quality is perfect them it could be a protozoan infection but they usually only affect certain areas of the body.
i could be slime disease but i have said it befor
does any body smoke were they are
as any body been using air fresheners or furniture polish
carpet freshner if its in the air its in your tank
I went out and got melafix it was the only thing i could find so hopefully i can save the rest of my fish.

It is possible that the smoke is harming them somehow since i do smoke in the same room and have an open top tank,but ive read alot about smoke near tanks and never heard anything about this happening...but hey its gotta happen to someone so why not me lol.
I went out and got melafix it was the only thing i could find so hopefully i can save the rest of my fish.

It is possible that the smoke is harming them somehow since i do smoke in the same room and have an open top tank,but ive read alot about smoke near tanks and never heard anything about this happening...but hey its gotta happen to someone so why not me lol.

not only kills fish but you as well now you have a hobby its now time to try and stop smoking

any spray polish or air fresheners about

whats your stats today
No spray polish or air fresheners used anywhere

The cherry barb kicked the bucket
The cardinals seem to be looking ok

Stats are


Either my bacteria finally caught up from all the fish deaths and no feedings or the ammo just has not built up since the last 12 hours,Gonna do another Wc and dose melafix again and keep an eye on it.

Does melafix have any effects on the biological filter might you know? Im pretty sure it does not but should ask anyway even though it would be late now.
whats your pH and how are you testing your water not with test strips i hope they don't work

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