What Fishy Stuff Did You Get Today


Store Manager Coalville Aquatics
Feb 7, 2004
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So what did you get today.

I got the following:

3 Black Sailfin Mollies Males
1 Mettallic Gold Balloon Female
1 Black Sailfin Balloon Male Molly
1 Black Dalmation Sailfin Balloon Male Molly

1 Albino Female Paradise Fish
1 Black Male Paradise Fish

1 Pink Metallic Coffertail Male Guppy
1 Red Tuxedo Male Guppy

I'll get pix once they are in the 90 over the weekend.
Umm.. I'm getting a new heater for my 29gallon.
I'm also returning a zebra danio and rosy barb to my LFS.
Impulse buys, I realize, and my tank is not adequate for them (boy..did I learn my lesson!)
I'm buying a peppered cory as a friend for the one I already have.
God knows what else..I can't seem to control myself when I get to the store!
No more fish for now. Unless I see a beautiful betta I can't resist..
I do have an empty tank...
must...have....control.. :X
i got this ornament off ebay today.

new female krib... the other hal to my male krib....
errrrm and a guppy for the guppy tank...
I got a chocolate heart, my fish didn't want it so i guess i will have to eat it all myself :p
I got a pair of H.Reidi Seahorses (check them out in the saltwater fish section), a Bubble Tip Anemone (in the Invert section) and soem free stuff :D (after spending out so much i would have hoped so! :lol: )
I got them myself...well my mum gave me £30 :p
I didn't get anything, but I don't celebrate today. I did get 3 new african dwarf frogs for my breeding project yesterday.
I went out and picked up 4 lonely cardinals to join my school of 6 for a total of 10
So I guess I missed valentines.... and I DID buy it myself...

One of the nicest platies I have ever seen. Ideal compliment to the strain I'm working on. *drool*

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