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  1. N

    Fishless Cycle

    I am in week 2 and my Ammonia is dropping from 4-5ppm to 0 in about 12 hrs but my Nitrites and Nitrates are the same colour bright pink which ion the Nitrite chart is about 3.3 which is the top of my chart. but the Nitrates chart is a darker pink so does not match anything. I have just done...
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    Plants In Fishless Cycle

    I am in my 2nd week off a cycle and my plants are starting to go brown is this normal or have i got a problem somewhere. I have got co2 and ferts.
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    Fishless Cycle

    I raised the ammonia to about 5 on Friday last week and yesturday it went down to about 0.3 so i raised it again to about 5 again and then tested for the nitrate and my scale only goes to 110 and it was darker than that. then i tested for the Nitrite and the scale goes to 3.3 and it was close...
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    Fishless Cycle

    The first week Ammonia just topped up to about 4 nitrite and nitrates off the charts and ph just gone up to about 8. So by reading a few threads this should be about right hopefully. Still waiting for my Sumatra wood that will go on the right with loads of plants aswell.
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    Sticking Backgrounds

    Yes i will have plants. So will acrylic paint be best for the job?
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    Sticking Backgrounds

    Yes i was thinking about doing that and this background i have is gloss so reflects everything.
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    Sticking Backgrounds

    Hi I have a plain black background to put on i normally just tape them but i have heard of this seaview gel which is meant to be really good for backgrounds. Has anyone used this and is it any good?
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    Inline Heater To Fx5 Filter

    I have a hydor 300w inline heater which is ment to go on the return hose of the filter so i was thinking of cutting the hose, jubilee clip a 16mm piece of hose to it, then connect the heater to that hose. all its going to do is make the hose thinner where the heater is.
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    Inline Heater To Fx5 Filter

    Hi I have just got a inline filter 16mm fittings however the hose on the FX5 Filter is bigger.And was just thinking if this would work. Cut the filter pipe insert a piece of 16mm pipe at both ends and connect to the heater, would this affect the filter flow in anyway and would it make much...
  10. N

    Carpet Plants

    I will be using JBL Aquabasis plus with Unipac limpopo black sand ontop i have got a Juwel Vision 450l with the normal lights that come with it. and i have got CO2 aswell.
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    Carpet Plants

    Hi I am nearly ready to start my new tank just waiting on a few things. I would like to carpet Hemianthus callitrichoides but i have not had any success in the past could anyone give me some tips. I have not had any problems with any other plants just the carpet ones.
  12. N

    Upgrade To Trigon?

    I have had a Trigon 190 for three years and really like it. had no problems with it even converted to a marine. If i was you though if you get one remove the internal filter and get an external one. I found the internal filter needs alot of cleaning out as it is only small. I have just...
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    Marsh Root

    Has anyone used Marsh roots before and is it just a type off bogwood or something else. I am looking a good bit off wood and seen some Marsh wood which has been pre soak so no tannis which is what i am after.
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    Inline Heater

    So can you put two together then or one for the in pipe and one for the out pipe.
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    Thanks for your advice never heard off them before but looks good so will get one. Cheers again.
  16. N

    Inline Heater

    Has anyone used an inline heater for a 450l tank and if so are they any good.
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    I have just looked at them and look really good but the biggest is 300w would that be ok. If not i can always one of my smaller heaters i have got as well.
  18. N

    Back Grounds

    That looks good i have ordered some black background but if i dont like it will go for this. Cheers
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    I have just got a juwel vision 450 and it came with a 300w heater. but i have just read this book and it said two heaters for a big tank one either end. and it said that you need 10w per gallon, and my tank is 98 gallons so do i need another heater or am i just reading the wrong book.
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    Back Grounds

    Yes i have seen some and look really good but unfortunatly i have to because of where the tank and the colour of the wall.
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    Fx5 Filter

    The media sponges are all new so i will have to cycle which is not a problem because i just got a new tank so dont have any fish yet.
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    Fx5 Filter

    I have just got a second hand fx5 filter it came with loas of black sponges but when i opened the filter all it had in the three baskets apart from te outer pads where cyramic rings. I know there are loads of different ways to put th media in but what i have is. white fine pads Blue pads...
  23. N

    Back Grounds

    What sand or gravel did you use?
  24. N

    Rainbow Fish For Sale

    Aldershot Hampshire
  25. N

    Rainbow Fish For Sale

    HI I have 11 assorted rainbow fish from 4cm-7cm for sale due to converting to marine they are in very good condition lovely colours must go so any price will do but must collect.Any one interested will email pictures. [email="[email protected]"]
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    Clown Fish

    yes sorry they are clown loach the tank is 200l i have got 10 x harlequins 2 x gourami 6 x rainbow there are plants and plenty of hiding places with caves in.
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    Clown Fish

    Hi i have just got 6 clown fish and all they do is stay at the side of the tank all the other fish are fine i have had them for three days now and there is no change. is this normal or is there a problem with the tank.
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    Going Marine With My Trigon 190

    hi what is the best putting coral in at the start or later on?
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    Going Marine With My Trigon 190

    Hi the setup i like is live rock with some clowns and firefish
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    Going Marine With My Trigon 190

    Hi I am now with alot of thought going to turn my trigon 190 to marine the trouble is i am a complete novice at marine. i want to start getting the equipment but have not got a clue of the best setup for a trigon 190 could any one help me out i would like the live rock with a few clown and...
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    Hi I am going away for the weekend what do i do with the lights turn them off or leave them on.
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    Hi How often do i need to feed the fish i have got 6 rainbow and 4 panda cory i was told twice aday and as much as they can eat in 15mins, but in the morning they don't seem to bother with the food.
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    Converting Trigon 190 To Marine

    so what other equipment would you say i needed i have a trigon 190
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    Converting Trigon 190 To Marine

    i would like the corals with a few clown fish i was told that the highlite T5 would do for the lighting.
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    Direction Of The Filter Outlet

    thanks i have got good circulation around the tank when i point it towards the middle pointing up a bit the trouble is the plants are all leaning forward because of the flow i have got a trigon 190 tank so there is not alot i can do either straight down or towards the middle.
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    Direction Of The Filter Outlet

    Hi Can anyone tell me the best postion for the filter outlet nozzle?
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    Converting Trigon 190 To Marine

    Hi Has anyone one changed a trigon 190 to a marine setup i was wondering how easy it is. I was told the lighting could be a problem because of the shape. Any help on the equipment i need?
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    Sand Or Gravel

    I have got gravel at the moment but i think sand looks better but i have been told the darker the substrates the better the fish look, so does sand reduce the colour of the fish?
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    Rainbow Swimming At The Bottom

    i have just done a water change and do it weekly the temp is about 26 now and seem to be fine swimming around the tank. what type of food do you suggest i have flake but they don't seem to bother with that.
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    Rainbow Swimming At The Bottom

    Hi I have just got 6 Rainbow fish 2 days ago and they stay at the bottom corner of the tank near the front, they swim around abit then go back to the same place i have lots of plants at the back and the water seems fine apart from the temp which is about 29-30 is this to hot.