Rainbow Swimming At The Bottom


New Member
Aug 8, 2009
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I have just got 6 Rainbow fish 2 days ago and they stay at the bottom corner of the tank near the front, they swim around abit then go back to the same place i have lots of plants at the back and the water seems fine apart from the temp which is about 29-30 is this to hot.
Yes its far too warm for rainbows, drop it down to 24/25, increase aeration into the tank as well as higher temps reduce oxygen levels.
What rainbows do you have?

My dwarf rainbows hang around the bottom/back a lot, and have done since I bought them, however the normal rainbows tend to be out more.
Rainbows act like that when they are stresses out. How often and what amount of waterchanges are you doing? Are they eating aggressively? As stated your temps are too high which can lead to a shortened lifespan.
Rainbows act like that when they are stresses out. How often and what amount of waterchanges are you doing? Are they eating aggressively? As stated your temps are too high which can lead to a shortened lifespan.

i have just done a water change and do it weekly the temp is about 26 now and seem to be fine swimming around the tank.
what type of food do you suggest i have flake but they don't seem to bother with that.
Mine tear flake apart. They literally splash water out of the tank when they eat. Something has them stressed out if they aren't eating flakes. How large of a waterchange are you doing? Rainbows need 50% weekly minimum. Keep your temp down and try a little frozen bloodworms. Rainbows like alot of veggies in their diet. Instead of troplical flakes try spirulina flakes. I feed spirulina flakes as a staple along with frozen bloodworms and mosquito larvae a few times a week. How is their color?

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