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  1. drag


    dido, i set mine up for dry skimming 2. well it seems the skimmer is working good so far im very pleased w/ it . this morning there was alot of green dry goo in the cup. and some that dried before it made it over the tube.
  2. drag


    in my opinion this belongs on another forum :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
  3. drag


    ok one quick question what is better dry skimming or wet skimming? the intructions speak of both and illustrate them. so do you guys wet or dry skim? :S
  4. drag

    How Long Without Skimmer?

    :blink: no lie, :blink: just very small differences
  5. drag


    well i opted for the super skimmer from coralife the 33004 series good for 220 gallons. it set me back 180 bucks not bad at all if it works good. so far out of the box i hooked it up tem on my 30gal till i get my 125 gallon tank. and its working fine . i set it up as hang on back and have no...
  6. drag


    i see alot of these (coralife) super skimmers in my lfs . what do you think of these super skimmers.???????????????????? i talked the the guy in the lfs who is a well reputed aquarist , and he said he was skeptical @ first of these super skimmers but turned out to be a good product...
  7. drag

    How Long Without Skimmer?

    ive had my 30 gal for 3 years without a skimmer
  8. drag


    cool ill look in to tunze, and the otherones you mentioned so what brand skimmers do other people use that you guys are happy with??????????
  9. drag


    i dont know much about skimmers other than how they work .im planning ahead for a 125 gal i want to get here in a month or 2 . right now im not running a skimmer on my 30 gallon. and i wanted some recomendations for the 125 gal skimmer . such a brand names, kinds, size?????? im clue less :blush:
  10. drag

    Compatibility Question

    :| if you insist on getting clownfishes then i suggest you spend the 20 bucks on clownfishes by joyce wilkerson, its everything you ever wanted 2 know about clownfishes . its the bible on clownfishes. after reading all this material and you still want to try multiple pairs atleast youll be...
  11. drag

    Compatibility Question

    sounds like a free for all royal rumble :rip:
  12. drag

    Pop Eye

    :nod: :D :hyper: the blue chromis now named "Popeye" looks 100% back to his old self :kana: . the eye is compleatly back 2 normal now :blink: . thanx 4 all of the suggestions... :good: the first week it stayed in the main tank and i added very minimal melafix ( wich i tend to do when i...
  13. drag

    Pop Eye

    the chromis is back in the main tank now, its gettin better slowly. so thing are looking up for blue chromis :good: . the one good thing about his condition it give me a good name 4 him "popeye". :lol: :D
  14. drag

    Tomato And Percula Clowns?

    i agree .... 75 isent extremly big tank, but it might be big enough for this mix.(if i was in that situation id try it) worst case senario take one out. FLcracker94 isent trying to pair them up, just tring to see if they will saftly co exist. i have 2 ocellaris and a percula together now in a...
  15. drag

    Shoudi Dd Al My Corals Now

    you shoulden't add anything till you test the water :angry: "its benn up a day" ... you should cycle your tank before you add any corals or too many fish for that matter. if your not careful you could be setting youeself up for disaster. :crazy:
  16. drag

    Nitrite/algae Problem!

    have you tested the water you are doing the changes with for high nitrates?
  17. drag

    Couple Id's

    those feather dusters on your glass are actually SPIRORBID WORMS there said to be "harmless additions to your reef" you can read more about them here i have loads of them more than i care for.. they do not move... i scrape them off my glass with a...
  18. drag

    Hitch Hiking Invertebrates

    heres a link w/ common hitchhicker that come along w/ live rock according to this page chitons are possible. most bristle worms are good untill they get quite big
  19. drag

    Getting Rid Of Red Slime Algae

    wow sounds like a big mess. i only had it on my subtrate pretty bad.... i was recomended by my lfs to get a sand sifting diamond goby. im weary of what advice mt lfs gives :crazy: because the mainly want to make a buck. but since i always wanted one i got it. cleaned it up 2 my substrate is...
  20. drag

    Brisle Worms

    :sad: wish i had bristleworm or 2 :sad: in 3 years never seen a one, not in day or night. :no: have seen flatworms though :sick: :crazy: got a couple of them .
  21. drag

    Unwanted Guests

    :good: more than likely these " bugs" are COPEPODS, wich are good for the reef aquarium. another source of food for some fish, plus a good sighn there breeding so you on your way. :good: for info on wanted and unwanted aquarium hitchhikers give...
  22. drag

    Testing Kits

    :blush: yeah hes just a baby about 2" its a 30 gallon. as ive posted on another topic here somewhere im getting @ least a 125 gallon in a couple of months. it was the smallest one i had ever seen, i debated w/ my self wether or not to get him but i liked him alot so i figured he'd be ok ina 30...
  23. drag

    Pop Eye

    :crazy: well its been a week now and im now quarenting and treating him with melafix. following directions for injured fish to the T. he dosent seem to be improving is there any hope? :crazy: eats and acts just fine :blink: :unsure: ?????
  24. drag

    Testing Kits

    thx 4 the heads up .... :shifty:
  25. drag

    Testing Kits

    i went to my lfs to look for the salifer test kits but only found API there. Since they were cheap @ 6.99 a pice so i got them for the meantime......salifer tests will be on order for more percision. boy were the test strips off. the test strips said i had 80 ppm nitrate ( this is why i asked...
  26. drag

    Testing Kits

    salifert it is then, thanx for the responses. what else should i test for besides, High Range pH, Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, and alkalinity? these are all ive been testing for.
  27. drag

    Metal Halides And Timmers

    id check the amps the halides pull if its less than 8 amps ( it more than likely is) i would use an ice cube relay (power relay).
  28. drag

    Testing Kits

    can anyone suggest some good testing kits. ive been using those multi test accurate they are i dont really know.
  29. drag

    Pop Eye

    thanx for the replys ... i added just a bit of melafix about 1/4 of what it actually called for he is eating fine and never lost his appetite. it seems to be getting better.
  30. drag

    How Far Can You Push A Clown

    well its acually even more complex than that .its actually my percula female and an ocellaris male and an ocellaris juvi that hasent grown @ all since i got him . the percula is 2 years old, the male ocellaris is 1 and a 1/2 and the little guys been with me for a year. so theve been in there...
  31. drag

    Pop Eye

    recomendations for my blue reef chromis with popeye? had him for 4 months now and yesterday i saw his eye blow up bad. other tanl mates 3 perc clowns, 1 fire fish, 1 dimond goby, 1 yellow tang, i six line wrasse. havent added nothing in a long time ( about 3 monts) added a leather coral.
  32. drag

    How Far Can You Push A Clown

    the question is Can one live in a 5.5 gallon tank i vote , yes... but not as its permanent home once it gets too big ist time to get the tank it really needs. clown fish in the wild seldom go more than 3 feet from there anemones. they dont need alot of room. i have a small 1" maroon clown...
  33. drag

    Aquarium Lighting

    button polyps , yellow polyps, 3 leathers, candy coral, frogspawn, and mushrooms.
  34. drag

    Aquarium Lighting

    how long do you keep the lights on ? i keep mine on for 12 hours....bit much? ive got 3 t 12 vho 95 watts a pice over a 30 gal
  35. drag

    Getting Rid Of Flat Worms

    any suggestions on what gets rid of some 3-4" flat worms? :lol: -_-
  36. drag

    Mixing Shimps

    agreed :good: since its developed a teste for permints im sure its willing 2 try cleaners :angry:
  37. drag

    Mixing Shimps

    ive had my 30 gal tank for 2 years now.. inhabitants now include ,1 Coral banded shrimp, 1 percula clown ,2 ocellaris clowns,1 blue reef chromis, 1 diamond goby , 1 firefish, 1 sixline wrasse, and a baby yellow tang., and some corals. i plan 2 get at least a 150 gallon in the near future ...
  38. drag

    Leather Coral Id

    piced this little guy up for 5 bucks because it looked like it was dying. but has now fully recovered.any ideas?
  39. drag

    Clownfish Eggs?

    cool that solves the mystery then :good:
  40. drag

    Clownfish Eggs?

    this little ocurrance happens once every 1 or 2 months. always the same pattern and color (white) . the only thing that seems to change is location found and length of the squiggly substance the only place i have ever noticed it is on the glass. @ a close glance they are nothing but small white...