Testing Kits


Fish Crazy
Nov 30, 2005
Reaction score
houston TX
can anyone suggest some good testing kits. ive been using those multi test strips......how accurate they are i dont really know.
If you want to go deep down the coral rabbit hole, grab salifert kits, if you just want a FO or FOWLR, API ones will do
salifert it is then, thanx for the responses.

what else should i test for besides, High Range pH, Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, and alkalinity?

these are all ive been testing for.
Test the weight of your wallet :lol:
So sorry I just couldn't resist it.
i went to my lfs to look for the salifer test kits but only found API there. Since they were cheap @ 6.99 a pice so i got them for the meantime......salifer tests will be on order for more percision.

boy were the test strips off. the test strips said i had 80 ppm nitrate ( this is why i asked about test kits)
when with the new api it says i have 10 ppm.

nitrte was the same 0 ppm

some of you guys have the same experiances???

i changed my aquascaping what do you think?
yay :good: or nay :sick: ??


I like the scape, looks nice :good:. If you can't find Salifert, Seachem also makes good kits. TBH, the only expensive kits I'd buy is calc/alk/phosphate, the rest are ok to be API kits.
Heh...you have a yellow tang too :hyper: What size is the tank? I'll have to get a bigger tank for our tang when she gets too big...i like the aquascaping; in fact i've done something very similar - two piles of LR with a space in the middle, and space around the back, and lots of crevices and caves. The tang seems to enjoy swimming in and out and around them, nibbling at the rock
:blush: yeah hes just a baby about 2" its a 30 gallon. as ive posted on another topic here somewhere im getting @ least a 125 gallon in a couple of months. it was the smallest one i had ever seen, i debated w/ my self wether or not to get him but i liked him alot so i figured he'd be ok ina 30 gallon sine it is so tiny for a couple of months.
All tests kits have questionable accuracy, use the same manufacturer to minimise variance, I use salifert which come highly recommended...

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