Pop Eye


Fish Crazy
Nov 30, 2005
Reaction score
houston TX
recomendations for my blue reef chromis with popeye? had him for 4 months now and yesterday i saw his eye blow up bad. other tanl mates 3 perc clowns, 1 fire fish, 1 dimond goby, 1 yellow tang, i six line wrasse. havent added nothing in a long time ( about 3 monts) added a leather coral.
There's a few things you could do.

1. Remove fish to a QT and treat with Melafix or Maracyn.
2. Leave fish in the tank it's in and treat with melafix or maracyn.
3. Don't treat with any meds just make sure your water quality is very clean and hope it clears up.

I would go with number 1.
Agreed, #1 would be best.

Not sure if freshwater baths, the usual treatment I recommend, would work on pop-eye.
is there anyway or anything out there like a fish trap to catch a sick fish, or do you have to tear down the rock work and coral in order to cath the fish?
There are fish traps out there but they won't work with sick fish because most likely they will refuse to eat anything. You shouldn't have a problem catching a sick fish.
thanx for the replys ... i added just a bit of melafix about 1/4 of what it actually called for he is eating fine and never lost his appetite. it seems to be getting better.
:crazy: well its been a week now and im now quarenting and treating him with melafix. following directions for injured fish to the T. he dosent seem to be improving is there any hope? :crazy:

eats and acts just fine :blink: :unsure: ?????
the chromis is back in the main tank now, its gettin better slowly. so thing are looking up for blue chromis :good: .

the one good thing about his condition it give me a good name 4 him "popeye". :lol: :D
:nod: :D :hyper: the blue chromis now named "Popeye" looks 100% back to his old self :kana: . the eye is compleatly back 2 normal now :blink: .

thanx 4 all of the suggestions... :good:

the first week it stayed in the main tank and i added very minimal melafix ( wich i tend to do when i have an injured fish of some kind.. ususlly a nipped fin).he dident seem 2 get any better , so on to the quarentine tank .after a week of treating him in a quarentine tank it looked like he was not going to get much better . i figured he'd had enough of the melafix 4 a lifetime, so i placed him back in the main tank and 2 my surprise he got better much faster he was back 2 normal in about 5 days after being back in the main tank. go figure :blink: :kana:

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