Brisle Worms


Fish Crazy
Feb 16, 2006
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hi i was doing a water change yesterday and noticed all the brisle worms were spraying red stuff out the end of them. is that how they reproduce? also i have got loads of them, how do i keep the numbers down? i know they are good for cleaning up but my tank is swarming with them. thanks

I've seen loads of bristleworms in my tank, more than I can count..... so there's at least 5 of them!! :look:

Dunno about the red stuff. Could be detritus?
Removing Bristle worms. NOTE: I've never tried this, but it might work; I read about it in a book I have.

Take a plastic film canister and drill a small hole in the lid, just big enough for the worm to crawl in. Place a few food pellets in the canister and leave near where the worm lives. rotate the canister to kake sure the hole is at the top. In the morning the worm(s) should be inside - they can smell the food and get in easily, but find it near impossible to get out again in the darkness.

Or, instead of a hole, cut an X using a hobby knife and push this inwards, just enough for the worm to crawl in, but not out...

Try it and see...! :good:
:sad: wish i had bristleworm or 2 :sad:

in 3 years never seen a one, not in day or night. :no: have seen flatworms though :sick: :crazy: got a couple of them .
small bristle worms are actually beneficial to your tank. its just the big ones you have to worry about, and the trap with the small hole doesnt work with the big ones.
bristle worms big or small wont harm anything there just ugly, the red stuff, maybe u upset them durring the water changes and were throwing up? idk just a guess

The big black ones can be very 'juicy'. this one was in my tank and I had to cut it into 5 pieces to get it out. would have been about 20" long!!!!

The container is 7X7
we've seen them spraying the red stuff around, really cool to watch. we never found any concrete info on it but we believe they were spawning, nothign bad happened with the tank afterwards so i assume it's not anything bad.

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