Mixing Shimps


Fish Crazy
Nov 30, 2005
Reaction score
houston TX
ive had my 30 gal tank for 2 years now.. inhabitants now include ,1 Coral banded shrimp, 1 percula clown ,2 ocellaris clowns,1 blue reef chromis, 1 diamond goby , 1 firefish, 1 sixline wrasse, and a baby yellow tang., and some corals.

i plan 2 get at least a 150 gallon in the near future . the yellow tang is fine because of its size for now its really tiny about an inch if that i know it will need a much bigger tank.

any way my question is ive always wanted a cleaner shrimp but will the CBS kill the Cleaner shrimp? it has been a while since i added any other shrimp. well long story short the cbs eventually killed and ate all of the peppermint shrimps i bought @ one time. it was like 3 shrimps i belive. they were 2 friendly and the cbs got em.

i would like 2 know if anyone has these shrimps in there tank together. the CBS stays in no question its almost been with me 2 years :good: . i dont want to condem an expensive cleaner shrimp 2 death.

any way i should add if it were possible 2 add it it would be when i get a bigger tank ...im pretty much maxed out on my stock. :blush:
It is really a hit or miss: some are aggressive towards other shrimp. Others get along fine.

Agreed, its hit or miss, but if it were me, I'd wait till I got the bigger tank just to be safe.
agreed :good: since its developed a teste for permints im sure its willing 2 try cleaners :angry:
Hmm, but will Skunk Shrimp get along with Peppermint Shrimp if introducted at different times?
I have both a peppermint and a skunk in a 24 Nano and have never had a problem. The peppermint was added several weeks before the skunk. The skunk cleaner is a bit more aggressive, but they tend to stay apart and avoid altercations. Interesting comments on the CBS. I thought from what I've read in the past that they will kill any other shrimp you add (except a mantis I suppose :) )
Well gig, young CBS are pretty timid and great shrimps, but as they age and get bigger... They become prics :(

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