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  1. P

    Something Cool That Someone Else Should Do

    i think is sounds like a really cool idea, if i had the time i would def do it.
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    Disposing Water

    i drink mine too its very healthy with all that decaying food and fish poop yummmmmmmmmmmmy
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    Mushroom Feeding

    are all mushrooms good for beginners or are there some that are easier than others?
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    Attaching Your Corals

    very informative SH great job :good: !!
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    Mushroom Feeding

    thanks mr miagi
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    U Have To See This.........

    wolflife, u see a picture of it ? how crazy is that haha
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    Mushroom Feeding

    random question, but could u feed like small button polyps ? would if be useless to, or would that be beneficial?
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    Porcelain/anemone Crabs

    i have a porcelain crab, it doesnt have a nem, i never add zooplankton and its been alive for 4 months. also, when u say expensive snack, it wasnt that expensive, only 4 bucks. and im positive its a porcelain. that bad boy right...
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    Crazy Invert Fun Video Exclucive!

    hahahha what a great hermit crab
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    U Have To See This.........

    speaking of weird sea creatures, have you guys seen a goblin shark? go to and search it, its one of the most bizzare sharks ive ever seen. all i kno about them is that they are extremly rare
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    hahah a oh :D
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    Hermit Crabs

    yes you do, or else the hermits will kill each other for their shells. you can get the extra shells here :
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    no dont kill a hermit
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    wait then how do they get the ammonia? from the fish waste and left over food that gets sucked in the filter? am i right i just want to understand this because i have a fluval and may consider doing the same thing.
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    how can u fill a fluval with live rock, it wont get any light, or does it not matter?
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    Tights In Tank

    wats Rowa phos ? :huh:
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    Emerald Crab

    there great scavengers, just make sure the shrimp and fish are bigger i have 2 in my tank and all they do is sit there eating algea.
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    ive been lucky not to electricute myself with all the heaters ive blown up sh** happens and we move on
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    Random 55 Gal Setup

    haha alright i see, thanks and im going to have to think it over
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    Random 55 Gal Setup

    wow very interesting, i will be able to buy power heads, and crushed coral sand, so i assume the Ph wont be that tough to handel. Eventually i will be able to obtain live rock from the guy i work for because he always have free stuff laying around. Would my main filter be the live rock or...
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    Random 55 Gal Setup

    i need all of that even if i dont want live rock ? i just want some hardy fish but i believe u
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    Random 55 Gal Setup

    i already have a reef tank in which i plan to add some clowns and gobies too, and maybe cardinals. But i really like the cardinal idea. The thing is, i dont want to spend alot of money on equipment i want to see if wat i have will work, and if i do need anything wat do i need. i have the fluval...
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    Random 55 Gal Setup

    wat could i do with a 55 gal tank. i want to do a fish only with very basic fish and nothing very delicate. I have FW lighting and heater. i also got a fluval 304. Would this be suitable for a fish only tank.? i am open to any ideas, let me know wat u think thanks alot everyone pete
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    Puddles And Ponds

    i wish i could get a 500 gal reef tank :drool: oh the possibilities
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    Yellow-head Jawfish

    i was reading that they need 5-7 inches on drfostersmith (but i thought that was very generous) then somewhere else i read they needed more then 3. so exactly how many inches do they need ?
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    Marine Plants

    What kind of marine plant can go in my tank. i want something that uses nitrates and phosphates, so my nitrates wont build up. Also something nice looking. Maybe Chaeto or red magrove? Im not sure what i could have so, i came here to ask the experts. its a 38 gal tank 1 compact flour. light...
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    Yellow-head Jawfish

    RoyalGrammaPrincessHannah, how many inches of substrate do you have?
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    I Do Believe In Chaeto, I Do Believe In Chaeto

    do u need to put chaeto in a ref or sump ? or can u have it in ur main tank ?
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    Happy B/day Steelhealr

    better late then never ..... happy birthday SH!!!!!! :thumbs:
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    Blue Green Reef Chromis Vs Blue Reef Chromis

    Opnc, yes i am going to get 3-5 of the green chromis
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    Concerns About New Tank Additions

    yea i always find my snails halfway out of my tank. i think its normal, since there fine
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    Blue Green Reef Chromis Vs Blue Reef Chromis

    thanks, i guess ill get the green chromis
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    Blue Green Reef Chromis Vs Blue Reef Chromis

    yea..... which chromis should i get? the blue green chromis or the blue chromis blue green chromis blue chromis any differences i should kno about? thanks pete
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    New Mod For The Marine Section!

    Def agree with this, SH has always been there for my newbie questions. Thanks alot SH and congrats :thumbs: well done
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    Specific Gravity Of Your Marine Tank

    well you guys are starting to convince me to get a refractometer, but i just wanna kno where i can get a cheap and reliable one??
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    good stuff :thumbs:
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    Thing In Tank

    bristle worm my man, there not bad youll find it there
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    Feather Duster

    when u skim the water, wat can u add to replenish the foods (such as phytoplankton) for the filter feeders such as the feather dusters??
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    Question About White Spots On Aquarium Glass

    Looks like you have Spirorbid worms. I have plenty of those too. They are harmless. Heres a site that has some information about them: scroll down and youll find them