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  1. M

    Kribs Only Bred Once

    thanks alot man its weird because they still do their mating dances and flirting and all that but they just wont lay the eggs it makes me sad but ill try your method
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    Feeding Plants

    or you could listen to what ferris said, they will eat MOST plants but java fern and amazon sword tend to survive quite well, does that not mean that they would eat most plants?
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    also cool
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    Kribs Only Bred Once

    I bought a pair of kribs, and they made babies and there were five survivors. This was about 2 months ago, three weeks ago i took the fry out and made a fry tank. BUT THE PAIRED UP PARENTS JUST WONT GET IT ON, Does it usually take a while for them to have another go at it? They hang around...
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    A Few Start Up Questions

    only thing i can comment on is that grass it may be java moss its healthy for cichlids to eat it as vegetables. it als is attractive fun times
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    in good conditions 1.5-2 inches
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    Clear Water But Not Crystal Clear

    i agree, i have always used carbon to make my water clear and it works like a CHARM
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    Krib 20 Gallon

    THANKS ALOT FOR THE REPLIES GUYS. I figured it would be alright, I just wanted to make sure people with more experience would agree.
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    Krib 20 Gallon

    ? :look:
  12. M

    Krib 20 Gallon

    what if i just got 6 cardinals and no more rummies. My lfs has some unreal looking cardinals. he has a local independant store and the fish quality are unreal compared to the major chains. I saw these cardinals and I want them BAD.
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    How Long Will My Fish Live?

    THIS IS VERY HELPFUL, I AM ALL FOR PINNING IT AT ALL COSTS! AND I MEAN ALL COSTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ::hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper:
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    Krib 20 Gallon

    I pretty much have my mind made up already about this, however, I wanted to gather a few opinions from some other people. My current 20 gallon roster is in my signature. I am going to get 4 cardinal tetras and POSSIBLY 2 more rummy tetras. What do you thin about this. I have plenty of...
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    Haha! Lemon Tetra Wanted Out!

    I was at my buddys place and we were about to feed them but i stuck my finger in the tank to see if any of them would nibble. Next thing i knew at the opposite side of the tank my finger was in, the lemon tetra jumped right out onto the floor! it was quite the sight!
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    A Decent You-tube Link

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    A Decent You-tube Link

    That isnt youtube by the way, i cant se eit without signing up for some thing
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    Any1 Know Anything On Pink Danio's

    It's a moral issue. Some people are strongly against modified and died fish. Other people are alright with it and don't care. So the correct answer to the solution is: If you are fine with it then don't worry about it, if you have a problem with it take them back to the lfs and let them know...
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    I'd say wait a while, mine bred at 3 but im sure they breed sooner (I got them this size)
  20. M

    Kribensis Fry In Breeding Net?

    Its good to keep the fry with thier parents for a couple of weeks so what I did was just get a peice of foam media for the filter and cut a hole in it to put over your intake...this will minimize the restriction on the filter and at the same time stop your fry from getting sucked up. I had the...
  21. M

    Aiming Powerhead

    thanks for your help
  22. M

    Aiming Powerhead

    20 gallon tank 175 gph powerhead 150 gph external hang on back filter, 6 rummy nose 1 pair of kribensis (plan to add 4 cardinals)
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    Aiming Powerhead

    I have an aqua clear mount on back filter and the bubbles from the powerhead rise to break the surface, im just wondering if u want the current to be more underwater or more at the surface of the water.
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    Aiming Powerhead

    which way should I aim the output from the powerhead connected to an undergravel filter, should i point it down or up at the surface of the water...will either be better for higher stocking in my tank?
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    Krib Breeding Tank

    or chop it in half and just burry the part wtih the hole in the gravel, itll work great
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    My Kribs Are Makin' Babies!

    Once mine were free swimming, I let them stay wtih the parents for three weeks. This is a good idea because once the fry are removed the male may want to breed. If you take them out too early the male may hurt the not ready to breed female. Let them be parents for a few weeks then remove them...
  27. M

    Raw Gash

    thanks alot i went out and bought a bottle, it is a good product i used it years back...i could use it for some small parts of fins on my kribs anyways, today the gash looks not as bad as yeasterday so fingers crossed
  28. M

    Kribs: Male Or Females?

    It's hard to tell for me, the first one is female for sure, the second one im not totally sure of, why not ask in the old world chichlid board, thats where the krib fish questions belong...good luck man
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    Raw Gash

    it doesnt look like apeice if missing if anything tis very slightly inflamed...ANYONE...will melafix fix ti do you thinK? it looks red and raw
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    Raw Gash

  31. M

    Shell Dweller Journal

    just chill for a bit, the fish have been shocked terribly today, give them some time to settle in, IME all the different kinds fish I have had take a day or two to start acting like normal, must adjust to your tank and water conditions
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    Shell Dweller Journal

    my lfs has them too but they didtn accept eachother as mates when i actually got a male and female, and the one place had all males and i wasnt too educated so i kept taking them back and getting more males...congrats on the fihs i like them alot, keep us posted.
  33. M

    Shell Dweller Journal

    you have been struggling to get these fish more than i did finding a pair of kribs and that took 3 lfs and at least 5 exchanges hahaha, but best of luck me post pics asap, makes for an interesting read. once u get it u will be happy
  34. M

    Krib Sexing Confusion!

    either that or you could buy a couple but only if your lfs is friendly and wil let you swap them if need be. It took me about 7 kribs to finally get a working pair hahaha. I kept getting males but taking them back until i got a female. then when i finally got the female she kicked the males...
  35. M

    Is This A Lie Or Is It True..

    i believe its true in the case of some cichlids but not all, therefore saying all cichlids cannot be kept wtih anyting btu cichlids is totally untrue...i (and many others on this board) have kribensis which is a dwarf cichlid and i have 4 rummy nose tetras and 3 zebra danios in there, in fact...
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    Krib Sexing Confusion!

    male left, female right large picture of male, males are way less colourful in the belly and face, much more dull looking
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    Can A Pair Of Kribs Fend Off A Snail?

    i second the harshness, some people do make spelling errors.
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    Krib Babies

    mine are at home in a tank with a timer on the light i am on vacation from them for a week and i dropped one of those things that dissolves and puts out a bit of food, and someone is stopping by to give them bloodworms once, i hope the fry and the parents survive cause the man was kicking the...
  39. M

    Krib Babies

    mine have had fry for about a month now and i am gonna take them out in another week once i notice they are eating real flakes and stuff, the parents will guard them and if it doesnt work this time it will next time probly, frokm what ive gathered from this forum, they sometimes take a bit of...
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    Male Krib Anger

    there still plenty of algae on the sides of the glass in my tank but about once a week i would toss in an algae tablet for him to eat.