Krib 20 Gallon


Fish Fanatic
Nov 25, 2006
Reaction score
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
I pretty much have my mind made up already about this, however, I wanted to gather a few opinions from some other people. My current 20 gallon roster is in my signature. I am going to get 4 cardinal tetras and POSSIBLY 2 more rummy tetras. What do you thin about this. I have plenty of surface agitation and alot of filtration.
Id leave the cardinals as goups of 6 or more are better. Just get more Rummys.
what if i just got 6 cardinals and no more rummies. My lfs has some unreal looking cardinals. he has a local independant store and the fish quality are unreal compared to the major chains. I saw these cardinals and I want them BAD.
If the filtration is good - i don't see a problem with adding 6 cardinals stocking-wise. However the kribs may become more aggressive with the additional fish encroaching on their territory. Some risk involved but possible.

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