Male Krib Anger


Fish Fanatic
Nov 25, 2006
Reaction score
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
my kribs had fry about 3 weeks ago now, and i noticed yesterday the male is terrorizing the tetras and the female krib to the max, i wouldnt be suprised if there was some makes me sadbut i dont think theres nothing i cna do, will the female be able to be tough enough to live?
definetly move the male.even if its into a bucket for a day or two until u can do something better.just make sure he is warm and has enough oxygen
Sometimes( usually) the male or female may want to raise the brood on their own. So they beat eachother andother fish up until they get what the want.
Its natural for the fish to get relly aggressive when young are around. My male and female end up missing bits of fins after spawning, its nothing to worry about with Kribs aslong as it doesnt progress much further than that. The target fish are there for that reason to get attacked and chased, they are much faster than the Krib so again dont worry to much

Dont start yanking the male out as he is needed to guard the young when the female gets tired and goes off for food. What you are experiencing is very normal for Kribs, happens to me for about 1-2 days every 4 weeks.
i woke up this morning and my 1.5 inch pleco is dead, could this be due to the anger of the male krib? there is plenty of algae left to eat still i dont think that was the pleco, good thing hes easily replaceable
It si the kribs. I have never ever experienced just some finn, nipping, I had a borelli's apistogramma, female krib, and a chunk out of a brichardis tail from this!

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