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  1. M

    Question For Wilder

    I posted the topic subject swollen mouth, where my krib and rummy nose tetra were effected and the kribs mouth fell part way off. After finishing mroe than one full treatment of maracyn 2. if u lok at the pictures the rummy nose tetra looks exacytly the same. The krib however looks way...
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    Krib Action

    thats better than having diseases and ure fish havent bred for like 4 months after they bred twice
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    Aggressive Male Krib

    thats the mating call, let them be do a water change and feeed them some blood worms or high protien foods, you wont wanna be fiddling around changing water once there are eggs and fry try not to pay them too much attention when they lay eggs cause they will eat them if threatoned and dont...
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    Swollen Mouth

    aww man...i just bought the other stuff maracyn two im a university student i cant afford this stuff! can i just try maracyn 2
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    Swollen Mouth

    do u think he will make it? do fish lips heal...or will tyhat peice always dangle
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    Aggressive Male Krib

    i swear there are krib newbies on here every day...not gonna lie, i was once one. just leave them they are acting normal, give them about a week and ull be ready to rock for babies
  7. M

    Quick Krib Question

    male kribs are much less colorful, but their contrast between light body and red stomach at times is very attractive...don't worry about them pairing up, if the female is interested then ure ready to rock, the final decision is alwyas up to the females...the men are more into spreading their...
  8. M

    Swollen Mouth

    I got maracyn 2 today and am gonna start treatment as soon as my carbon filters out the green stuff from the last are pictures of his poor mouth...keep in mind his behavior is normal....should i add some melafix? maracyn 2 treatments commence tonight
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    Swollen Mouth

    But he acts normal, he doesnt look stressed he still colours up when the female comes around.........................just part of his mouth is missing
  13. M

    Swollen Mouth

    I dont understand that sentence. You think i should kill the fish?????? There is no hope?????? I can't kill the fish....can;t he recover?
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    Swollen Mouth

  15. M

    Posting Pictures

    makes perfect sence....thanks ferris
  16. M

    Swollen Mouth

    sorry for all the questions, im gonna stick with the medicine i have now becuase it seems to have started to work and it will be less costly in the between the first and second round of treatments should i carbon it? or just continue medication till the rummy nose tetras face...
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    Swollen Mouth

    do i really need both? or just two
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    Posting Pictures

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    My Kribs Like Human Faeces!

    you're sick, that topic is HIGHLY probly have to get a new male, is he smaller than the female, he should be bigger for best results. I went through several fish to get a pair......never post a subject like that again or I will not help you.
  20. M


    kribs are mostly only aggressive towards eachother, when you have kribs its good to have a group of dither fish for the kribs, particularily the male, to chase around during breeding instead of fighting eachother...kribs are mostly only aggressive during breeding and when the fry come they just...
  21. M

    Swollen Mouth

    so I did one entire procedure of the medication i purchaced, it seems to have helped a bit but i want to try something else maybe, or do you reccomend i buy more of the same mediaction and keep using it? someone reccomended Maracyn II shold I try this instead, and if so what should i do to...
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    Posting Pictures

    how come on the other forums u can post pictures directly from your computer and attatch them to your post without having to host them first but not on the old world cichlid forum, i have some great pictures of my kribs i want to put on the picture part thats pinned at the top but i cant put...
  23. M


    your cardinals will make it, not sure about ottos, no experience
  24. M

    Swollen Mouth

    the guy at my lfs gave me furan 2....i put it in there, and am hoping for the best
  25. M

    Swollen Mouth

    There are like 1000 medications there and they are all for different things. The melafix says it works for mouth fungus but u said dont use that, is there any specific one i should go out and buy im so confused...and im looking under bacterial meds, and im curing a fungus shouldnt I be looking...
  26. M

    Swollen Mouth

    MELAFIX? or would aquarium salt be better and how muhc do i put in....and your saying no antibiotics right now right? *edit* and i take it this is why my kribs havent bread in a long time
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    Swollen Mouth

    and two more, sorry for all the posts it wouldnt let me post all four photos in one reply
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  30. M

    Swollen Mouth

    I decided to take some photographs sorry if some of them are poor quality I have been practicing with my camera lately
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  33. M

    Swollen Mouth

    If what I have in my tank is this columnaris, what would be a good medication to purchace in order to heal my fish, I live in Canada so im not sure whats available but give me some names if u can and ill look into it Thanks fo rall your help on here, guys
  34. M

    Swollen Mouth

    no i meant the face, cuase rummy nose tetras have red faces, the tails are totally fine and so is their behavior just one out of four instead of having an entire red face the front of the lips are grey, the same color as their body, i dont have a test kit...and im writing finals ill try to get...
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    i fourth that
  36. M

    Swollen Mouth

    My male krib's mouth is very swolen when u look at him head on it looks like he cant even close it when hes breating or doing that open close open close mouth things fish do...and one of my rummy nose tetras mouth is the same color as its body (not red like it should be) however there is still...
  37. M

    Rummy Nose Tetra

    I have four rummy nose tetras, three of them look fine still very red faces, all four were at one point in time. Now one of them his lips look grey and his face is less colored but a bit farther back from the mouth it starts to look normal from there to the tail, just the lips and right under...
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    Anyone Here From Saskatchewan?

    im just curious if anyone lives near me and can send some java moss or somethin