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  1. K

    Addicted...with pictures

    Pretty!! He will be even more fat and purty after a week or so!! Please update! :cool:
  2. K

    fancy goldfish

    I had 3 red cap orandas (3 inches) with comets (4 inches) and small Koi (5-6 inches) im my 100 gallon pond (in profile). They lived a very long time and seemed not to have trouble competeting for food because I scattered the food pretty good when I fed them. They lived for about 2 years untill...
  3. K

    one of my boys

    Wow... Very Handsome! Do you have picture of him flaring?
  4. K

    33Gal Planted!

    thank you! Lol all the fish in your picture are heading the same way. Kinda like a migrattion. :rofl:
  5. K

    Blood Worms

    LoL... I rememeber in my younger years, I would dig up earth worms and cut them up for my goldfish... now that was sick. Do you use tweezers? That way you dont have to handle the worms.
  6. K

    Houses for bettas :)

    For goldfish bowls, I like to use a Cd as a cover... It works great for me.
  7. K

    Fighting Bettas

    Ok Maybe I was wrong, But Still Disagree with: Wild Betta Spledens are not very much as agrresive as their plakat counterparts with maybe a slight difference. BTW, This thread has not gone out of hand... I have seen threads go out of hand... and trust me, its ugly. I appreciate everyone's...
  8. K

    Fighting Bettas

    OK First of all... Hmm.. 1. In the rice paddies of my home country, wild caught betta spledens are as aggressive, if not more, than your captive betta splendens. 2. You can't change your offspring's agrressiveness by selective breeding. We have learned this subject in biology and gentics...
  9. K

    33Gal Planted!

    What are those glassy looking fish... My neighbor has them. Are the bottom feeders? because I they have very long whiskers.
  10. K

    33Gal Planted!

    What are those glassy looking fish... My neighbor has them. Are the bottom feeders? because I they have very long whiskers.
  11. K

    Fighting Bettas

    First of all, I think we should not compare betta fighting with dog fighting because they are two totally different subjects. Pit bull fighting is totally wrong because pit bulls are a bred specially for fighting from a semi peaceful original species. The original bettas splendens species is...
  12. K

    Fighting Bettas

    I totally agree!! :nod: Remeber BKK's fish market post? After that I HAAAD to buy a plakat! Now Pepper (my plakat) gets the most attention from me. I can see my other fish getting jealous. Too bad they're scared of pepper becuase he is about twices as big and ferocious. :alien:
  13. K

    Foggy Tank Water

    Did you rinse your gravel well before you added it to the tank? It happens to me when i set a new tank, the gravel dust is left and it leaves white cloudy water. Dont be putting meds in your water before you ID it. Wait for a few days. rememeber... Clear water doesn't mean healthy water.
  14. K

    Book: Bettas and Gouramis

    LOL... I saw that at petsmart too when BettaRFriends pointed it out to me. Ignorance at its best. :fun:
  15. K

    does this sound bad

    Hes right... If your betta has trouble getting to the top with no current... how in the heck is he going to have a better time with a water fall in his face lol... BTW I wouldn't even put a healthy betta in that thing. Too many flaws. Just juse a critter keeper, they are longer than they are...
  16. K

    Fighting Bettas

    Fighting betta has been in my family for ahwile now. My uncle back in Vietname is a Plakat breeder. My mom has just recently visited him last month and she told me stories about how much he dedicates himself to taking care of bettas. All my uncles have done this ever since they were boys in...
  17. K

    A proper Betta vase

    Bamboo roots may tear betta fins, it happened to me.
  18. K

    Making more room

    I scared of bettas on shelves too because out here in california we get a lot of earthquakes, and unfortunatly, bettas dont do too well on the floor. :no:
  19. K

    First Planted Tank

    i will get rid of the backround soon... Its taped on from the previous owner. I just added: 2 dwarf gouramis 9 black neons 1 albino cory (to make 3)
  20. K

    Dwarf gouramis with Angels?

    The tank is just a few days old... I did not really "cycle" (shame one me) so I am adding about 6 fish per week to avoid the New Tank Symdrome. The angels will one of the last guys to go in because of their delicacy and price.
  21. K

    Dwarf gouramis with Angels?

    Hey would swarf gouramis hassle angels? or Vise Versa? I am thinking of getting a pair of gouramis and a pair of angels. Any red flags? Here is my tank:
  22. K


    Name: Ketchup type: Iso-ray CT Name: Mustard type: Mustard Gas Super Delta Name: Pepper Type: Giant Vietnamese Plakat
  23. K

    First Planted Tank

    Here are some early shots of my planted tank. So far it has: 1 high fin platy 1 red and black platy 2 male guppies 2 albino cories I worked on it with BettaRFriends (another member on this forum). I dont know any names of the plants, if you guys could ID them for me it would be highly...
  24. K

    Is there anything I can put in with the betta

    Cory = 2.75 inch each Betta = 3 inch Shrimp = 1 inch ------------------------- About 7 inch of fish/companions = too much
  25. K

    Stocking a 30 gallon

    Thanks! I almost bought them too! :crazy:
  26. K

    Stocking a 30 gallon

    Thanks!! I will be going decor shopping tommorow, while my 29 gallon continues to cycle. This is my fish wish list (please warn me for possible problems): 2 Angels 7 Tetras (neon or cardinal) 4 male guppies 2 dwarf gouramis 3 Cories 4 Platies 1 bristle Plec 2 Dwarf Cichlid and as time goes...
  27. K

    Stocking a 30 gallon

    Hmm, I think I would probabaly end up buying 2 angels then. I dont want to divide my tank. Is there an easy way to distinguish between Male or Female? Hopefully I can get a pair. Oh and another thing. How do you feed cories? Do you just try to sink some flakes or what? Sorry I should of...
  28. K

    Stocking a 30 gallon

    What does this mean... Will the males fight if not replaced? I was hoping for 3-4 angels for non breeding pets... Is it ok if I not replace it?
  29. K

    Stocking a 30 gallon

    OOps yes you are right it is a 29 gallon. I just redid my calculations. The tank was a gift to me so I kinda took educated geuss on the volume. I was thinking Angels + Dwarf Gourami Neon Tetras Male Guppy other live bearers I need suggestions on bottom feeders or an algae eater for a...
  30. K

    Stocking a 30 gallon

    I really dont have a clue with angels, but I just got a 30 Gallon tank (12x19x30 inches) and I am hoping to get some angels as long with some tetras amd any other fish. I'm going for a planted tank. There is a Whisper 30-60 Filter that is pretty strong and a light that im not sure about...
  31. K

    Bubblenesting Movie clips

    Weak... Thats what you get when you subcribe to free online hosting.
  32. K

    Bubblenesting Movie clips

    Here are some Videos of my Plakat Bubblenesting. The videos are crappy because I took them from a Digital Camera (not Camcorder). Enjoy! (AVI FORMAT) 6 megs per clip. 30 secs. Clip1 Clip2 Clip3 I will post more videos in the futr if this video hosting website goes good.
  33. K

    Online File hosting

    Does anybody know a website where I could upload video files so I could share them on TFF?
  34. K

    Housing many bettas

    lol 50 bettas all in one 20 oz. cup.... Sounds like some sick protein drink :sick:
  35. K

    New Tank

    Its funny that they would label it a GOLDFISH tank (more like goldfish prison) :osama: Anywho, Looks nice. Not a big fan of colored gravel . Just make sure your current is to a minimun and your heat to an appropriate level.
  36. K

    Housing many bettas

    It would be good for temporary jarring fry but i dont think it would be good for long time.
  37. K


    What about Bob... :unsure:
  38. K


    Do you know what a crowntail is Mr. Platy? Trust me you will know what a crowntail is when you see it.
  39. K

    What's your opinion on this tank?

    how would you card the bettas? Over Flaring is not the best idea. Im not even mentioning the small size. :/
  40. K


    Good thing you love your son more than your betta Right? Right? :rolleyes: