Stocking a 30 gallon


Fish Crazy
Jan 17, 2005
Reaction score
Orange County, California
I really dont have a clue with angels, but I just got a 30 Gallon tank (12x19x30 inches) and I am hoping to get some angels as long with some tetras amd any other fish. I'm going for a planted tank. There is a Whisper 30-60 Filter that is pretty strong and a light that im not sure about wattage. what are some suggestions in fish and plants? Substate= Gravel. And can somebody give me the water parameters for angels? thanks in advance!
You could go with 3 angels in that tank, which seems to be the same dimensions as a 29, maybe 4 if you don't go overboard with other fish, and keep up with maintainance. As they get older you may get a pair. This will mean re-housing the odd angel or 2. Most people use that size tank for breeding pairs.

Plants I couldn't tell you, don't have the time for planted tanks. Maybe someday I'll give it a try.

Ideally, angels like soft water with a lower ph, around 6.5. They are very adaptable though I keep & breed mine in hard water with a p.h. of 7.8.

OOps yes you are right it is a 29 gallon. I just redid my calculations. The tank was a gift to me so I kinda took educated geuss on the volume. I was thinking

Angels +

Dwarf Gourami

Neon Tetras

Male Guppy

other live bearers

I need suggestions on bottom feeders or an algae eater for a 29 gallon.

What are some good algae eaters or bottom feeders?
I keep corys & bristlenose plecs with my all my angels. Great cleanup crew. My 29 has 5 corys & 1 albino bristlenose with a pair of silvers.

If a pair forms they will torment the remaining angel or 2 non-stop. Tearing fins is common, losing an eye can happen, occasional deaths are not unheard of. In a larger tank say a 55, there is more room for the pair to establish territories, and for the other angels to escape to. A 29 is too small for this. Males and females can get equally aggressive.

If this happens, there are a few things you can try. Easiest is a divider, though these are kind of unsightly in a show tank which is what it sounds like you are doing. Split up the pair, putting one in a different tank, or trading one in to your lfs. The shops by me are always looking for large angels, they move quick. Get a larger tank with the hopes of the pair not being so brutal that they need more room than that. In a larger tank you can set up plants & such as sort of a natural divider. Out of sight, out of mind.

Remember that angels are cichlids and do have that temperment, especially when breeding.

Hmm, I think I would probabaly end up buying 2 angels then. I dont want to divide my tank. Is there an easy way to distinguish between Male or Female? Hopefully I can get a pair. Oh and another thing. How do you feed cories? Do you just try to sink some flakes or what? Sorry I should of posted this Thread in the newbies section. :*) Thanks for you patience.
You really can't tell male from female until they start to spawn. Corys will clean up leftover food, it helps to supplement this with a sinking food, like spirulina tabs, or shrimp pellets. Corys need protein.


I will be going decor shopping tommorow, while my 29 gallon continues to cycle. This is my fish wish list (please warn me for possible problems):

2 Angels
7 Tetras (neon or cardinal)
4 male guppies
2 dwarf gouramis
3 Cories
4 Platies
1 bristle Plec
2 Dwarf Cichlid

and as time goes by maybe add more community fish.

EDIT: IM still adding to the list
Kage, I'd go for the cardinal tetra's instead of neons as you may or may not of heard that neons are a wild angels natural food, while I have an angel that is placid and normaly leaves smaller fish alone he has been known to eat neons when overly hungry. He got shy for awhile thanks to the kids, and wouldn't come out at feeding time hence he went hunting when the lights went out ;) otherwise he wouldnt of eaten them. I also have a smaller angel called Serial Killer willing to have a go at things bigger than itself. Basically stocking with cardinals gives you a much better chance of keeping them as you are much less dependent on luck with the angels temprament.


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