
Jun 13, 2004
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Somewhere on the East Coast of the good ole' USA!!
This morning was not the way that I like to wake up. My dear sweet monster (22 month old son) climbed out of his crib this morning. Well, when he came into my room and woke me up he was soaked from his waste up. My first thought was "I don't like the looks of this". I came out to the living room and sure enough, the lid was off my 1.5 gal :X and water was all over the coffee table. There was water in the light part along with gravel!!! GRAVEL!!!!!!! :angry: There was a couple hole saws sitting on the coffee table too. One of them was in the bottom of the tank. He's usually pretty good about leaving the tanks alone but I guess the temptation was too great for him this morning. So I did a 100% water change and my CT seems ok so far aside from being a little stressed out from having a little hand invading his territory. My son got a very stern talking to.
Just keep in mind that someday you will have grandchildren as your reward for not killing your own children. :lol:

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