Search results

  1. Tw3lv3

    Black Neon Tetras Or Rosy Tetras?

    ill put some thought into them superman thanks for the advice :)
  2. Tw3lv3

    First Ever Set Up! Noisy Pump!

    I have a tetratec air pump for my UG filter its quiet but you still hear a humm at night when everythings off but the tank lol
  3. Tw3lv3

    Black Neon Tetras Or Rosy Tetras?

    hi its me again lol on an earlier thread i was advised to get a shoal of black neon tetras when i get my new set-up up and running to go with my angelfish, swordtails and julli cory's because they are bigger than normal tetras on the stockist website i am buying them off i saw some Rosy tetra's...
  4. Tw3lv3

    Wanted: Cheap Beginner Plants

    hey lilly i found some decent plants on ebay anubias (sp) amazon swords and some java fern they are going for about £2-£3 for about 5 sprouts
  5. Tw3lv3

    Slight Browning On My Heater

    cool thanks mate :)
  6. Tw3lv3

    Mopani Wood, Tannins Question

    Do's that seachem purigen replace the carbon filter media in external filter compartments?
  7. Tw3lv3

    How's This Fish Tank?

    looks very nice im not sure about the filter best to wait for more experienced members to give you theyre opinions but looks a very nice tank indeed :)
  8. Tw3lv3

    External Filter

    I know i remember you telling me mate im going to get a slightly more flexible hose rub on a little aquarium silicone around the plastic inlets and outlets and tighten them on with those metal pluming fasteners should do the job aslong as i dont do something silly like over tighten them and...
  9. Tw3lv3

    Slight Browning On My Heater

    I have just noticed slight browning on my heater around where the plastic holder grips the heater would it be fine to clean it off in siphoned off water during my next maintenance or would it damage the heater? Thanks, Tw3lv3.
  10. Tw3lv3

    Freshwater Clam

    yeah ive just remembered ive actually been in it like 2 or 3 years ago and it wasnt very good to be honest too few choices and not very healthy if i can remember right me and my ex went in there to get her farther a few fish for his birthday and we went somewhere else after looking around lol
  11. Tw3lv3

    My Shopping List

    the gravel may damage bottom dwellers kind of like us sliding on our tummys over gravel slight cuts n scratches ect i have a pleco in a gravel tank until my new 1 is cycled but i deffinatly would change to sand if it were me you can get a 15kg bag of argo's play sand its only about £2.89 and ive...
  12. Tw3lv3

    Freshwater Clam

    i keep hearing about this pets at home shop but never seen 1 are they any good? some shops i know of you buy fish and they die very quickly
  13. Tw3lv3

    Freshwater Clam

    Wow they are deffinatly something different to have in the tank not sure the cory's i am getting will like the competition for food tho lol
  14. Tw3lv3

    New Setup So Far!

    Juwel rio 125 Argos play sand Rena external filter XP3 Hydor external heater 9 Black neon tetras 5 Julli cory 2 Siamese flying fox Java fern Common amazon sword Anubias sp Lanceolata To go with my 2 angelfish and 2 swordtails Id like to say a BIG thanks to JenCliBee &...
  15. Tw3lv3

    Freshwater Clam

    cheers guys and ill have to have a look at those mussels they do sound cool :) hehe
  16. Tw3lv3

    Sand In Your Tropical Fish Aquarium

    Fantastic article ive been worrying about this problem for ages as i read an article which said it was 1cm of sand now i know its actually 1 inch i feel alot better cheers :-)
  17. Tw3lv3

    Freshwater Clam

    hey guys as some will know im starting a new setup soon with sand as the substrate and ive been searching and searching for some sort of fish to burrow into the sand to stop the toxic gas pockets forming as i dont want to use snails as they breed like crraazzyyy so i was thinking about a...
  18. Tw3lv3

    External Filter

    Cheers waterdrop i would of probably been less than careful with it if you hadnt of let me know the glass was inside :)
  19. Tw3lv3

    New To Plants

    cheers guys that great :) i will try and get those products ill let you know how i get on once i get all the equipments and get it all set up :-)
  20. Tw3lv3

    Wanted: Cheap Beginner Plants

    Im after plants that basically look after themselves too if someone suggests some to you will you let me know what they are please? Thanks.
  21. Tw3lv3

    Hydor External Heater

    Hi im getting a hydor external heater for my fluval 305 external filter they come in 2 wattages 200watt and 300watt the 300watt will fit the hosing that comes with the filter but my tank is only 125 litres will 300watt be too much for it? Thanks, Tw3lv3.
  22. Tw3lv3

    Wanted: Driftwood

    Wanted: Item Wanted: Driftwood. Condition Required: Great condition please. Price Limit: £20 - £30. Picture or Link to Item: I am looking for something like this about 40cm tall and about 25cm x 30cm Location: Walsall, United Kingdom. Cheers :)
  23. Tw3lv3

    External Filter

    yeah very good idea andy ill deffinatly give it a go :)
  24. Tw3lv3

    External Filter

    great thanks for the info arobinson i was just wondering do you know which size heater would fit the fluval 305 i ask because on the website they are selling 200watt and a 300watt and it says they fit different size hosing ETH 200 with a heating power of 200W is recommended for aquariums with...
  25. Tw3lv3

    External Filter

    I was also thinking about getting a hydor external heater what are your thoughts on these? are they any good or just a waste of money?
  26. Tw3lv3

    New Setup Please Help

    Yeah i see what you mean mollys might not be the best idea after all i will deffinatly get some black neons like you suggested tho :)
  27. Tw3lv3

    External Filter

    great a 305 it is then hehe i saw on a review that to replace the sponges with cheap filter wool get biomax rings for the 2nd compartment and take out the carbon and keep it for when i need it to remove medication from the water do's that sound about right?
  28. Tw3lv3

    New Setup Please Help

    I do like the swordtails they are a stunning fish and always quite active i just got 2 males just incase i didnt like them if i had got males and females and didnt like them and they bred like crazy it would be annoying lol i was also thinking of getting 3 or 4 mollys aswell do you think they...
  29. Tw3lv3

    External Filter

    cheers jen :) if i get a fluval 305 instead of the 205 will it lighten to work load of the filter and be more efficiant?
  30. Tw3lv3

    New To Plants

    hey guys, Im starting a new tank soon and i want to have live plants instead of plastic a friend has given me some choices of plants that are easy to look after which are anubius(sp), java fern and swords My question is will i need a CO2 feed for these plants or will plant ferts and carbon...
  31. Tw3lv3

    External Filter

    Hey guys im buying a new tank thursday and i want to update the filter to a fluval external filter but im unsure on which 1 to buy... I am getting a 125 litre tank dimensions are 81cm x 36cm x 50cm Here is a link to the website ill be buying the filter from can oy guys help me get the right 1...
  32. Tw3lv3

    New Setup Please Help

    Yeah thats cool you have been a huge help with everything :) so thanks your a star m8 :)
  33. Tw3lv3

    Where Can I Buy Malayan Livebearing Snails?

    Is there a fish that will keep them under control i.e. eat them or something so i have them sifting my sand but not get over run with them? im getting 5 julli cory's will they do the job of eating the buggers? lol maybe they eat the babys? i really dont know just ranting i guess lol
  34. Tw3lv3

    Where Can I Buy Malayan Livebearing Snails?

    do they really mess up your glass then? i want them to stop gas build up under my sand if you can suggest anything else that would do the job just as well id apreciate it
  35. Tw3lv3

    Where Can I Buy Malayan Livebearing Snails?

    cool thankyou for the info your a star :)
  36. Tw3lv3

    Where Can I Buy Malayan Livebearing Snails?

    ahh thats why i couldnt find them thankyou ill go find some now will they be ok in my gravel tank until my sand tank has fully cycled or can i just put them straight into the uncycled tank to get to work straight away?
  37. Tw3lv3

    Where Can I Buy Malayan Livebearing Snails?

    I dont trust my LFS to sell me the right snails as i dont know what they look like and ive tried ebay with no luck :( lol Thanks for the fast reply :)
  38. Tw3lv3

    Where Can I Buy Malayan Livebearing Snails?

    Anyone from the uk know where ican buy some of these snails? as i will be setting up a new tank shortly with sand as the substrate and will need some... Cheers, Tw3lv3.
  39. Tw3lv3

    New Setup Please Help

    Yeah im having alot of trouble finding fish that will go with Angelfish but they are my favourite fish so its worth it to me :)
  40. Tw3lv3

    New Setup Please Help

    great :) so my new tank will comprise of 2x Angelfish 5x Julli Cory 2x Swordfish (both males but get on great hehe) and the plants you suggested and some weeping moss :D if there are any other pretty and active fish you would suggest please let me know id really appreciate it cheers! :D...