Wanted: Cheap Beginner Plants


Starting again
May 17, 2009
Reaction score
Bournemouth, UK
Based in Bournemouth only starting to get into live plants and really just want some easy beginner ones:

Such as Java moss and fern, anubias and possibly crypts.

If you have some to get rid off, please let me know wish to have fairly cheaply, sourcing now for payday in a week ;)

Type of care looking for, plants that pretty much care for themselves, have lighting no food.

Many thanks for reading :)
Im after plants that basically look after themselves too if someone suggests some to you will you let me know what they are please?

No worries Tw3lv3!

P.s. when say would like cheap, cheaper than local that sells £6 a plant for something half rotten!! Most things would be an improvement ;)
Thank you for the offer Weimster, I will have a think about if may as really need more plants in the tank than at the surface. Thank you though
hey lilly i found some decent plants on ebay anubias (sp) amazon swords and some java fern they are going for about £2-£3 for about 5 sprouts

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