New To Plants


Fish Fanatic
Jun 3, 2009
Reaction score
Walsall, UK.
hey guys,

Im starting a new tank soon and i want to have live plants instead of plastic a friend has given me some choices of plants that are easy to look after which are anubius(sp), java fern and swords

My question is will i need a CO2 feed for these plants or will plant ferts and carbon dosing be sufficient?

Also can anyone recomend a good slow growing easy to look after moss to add to my driftwood?

java moss would be good for your driftwood.

I am rubbish with plants so have no idea about whether you should CO2 or not. Supercoley is great with plants. Might be worth sending him a message.

I have a fluval roma 125 with 40 watts of light over it and in it I have...
3 Amazon Swords
A load of Cabomba
Twisted vallis
2 other plants that look a bit like swords but aren't
Java fern
Java Moss
Eleocharis vivipara (a bit like dwarf hairgrass)
Some big reed type plant
And some stem plants I don't know the name of.

All I do is dose AE Liquid Carbon and TPN+, they seem to be doing well on it.
cheers guys that great :) i will try and get those products ill let you know how i get on once i get all the equipments and get it all set up :)

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