New Setup Please Help

Its got 2 tubes of 28w T5

I will buy the products you said just to be safe :)

Twelve, you should have received an email when you registered here. You need to use the link in that e-mail to return here in order to be able to use the PM feature and lots of other features. It only takes a minute and will free up your access to most of the site. The link basically verifies that you are who you said you are, at least in terms of an e-mail address.
I havent got that e-mail anymore unfortunatly because my pc broke after i registered so i had to fix it and re-install everything :(
Twelve, you should have received an email when you registered here. You need to use the link in that e-mail to return here in order to be able to use the PM feature and lots of other features. It only takes a minute and will free up your access to most of the site. The link basically verifies that you are who you said you are, at least in terms of an e-mail address.

Going by the profile i think youve already done it, i think you need a certain post count now to use the PM fuction.... i think the mods introducted it becasue of the spamming not so long ago :)
Its got 2 tubes of 28w T5

I will buy the products you said just to be safe :)


Sorry i relised you had already give the light spec in the first post lol :blush:

I think that lighting is classed as moderate so dosing ferts and liquid carbon if you decide to go with slightly demanding plants would probably have to be done to keep them at full health.

Best thing to do would be post a topic in the planted tank section and you will get a better indepth answer to what plants would be suitable :), we have some really good plant experts on this forum and there always happy to help.
lol dont worry about it we all forget things :) and cool i will post on there a little later i was thinking of getting some weeping moss to add to a big-ish piece of driftwood too so ill ask them about that too

What do you think about Julli Cory's will they play well with my current fish? :)
lol dont worry about it we all forget things :) and cool i will post on there a little later i was thinking of getting some weeping moss to add to a big-ish piece of driftwood too so ill ask them about that too

What do you think about Julli Cory's will they play well with my current fish? :)

If the plec is rehomed and if i can see correct lol... 2 angel fish and a sword then yes they would be fine... you will probably find the cory's are.... trilineatus and not julli but they pretty much look the same anyways lol (slightly different markings)

I say when the common plecs rehomed simply becasue it makes you tank stocked on its own so adding more would or MAY casue you problems, i think you have plans to rehome him anyways so the cory's would be fine :)


P.S just relised your from walsall aswell lol.... where abouts, my other half is origianlly from there..... chuckery if that rings a bell.
well the cory's i saw was on that website i gave you the link to yesterday i want to get a couple of them maybe 3 when i get my new tank and yes i do want to re-home my plec because he will get HUGE lol and there just wont be enough space for the little fella he is only about 1 1/2 inch at the moment but when i brought him 2 weeks ago he was about 1/2 inch long so he is growing fast :S lol

im on the far outskirts of walsall a little hole called walsall wood near brownhills aldridge ect :)
well the cory's i saw was on that website i gave you the link to yesterday i want to get a couple of them maybe 3 when i get my new tank and yes i do want to re-home my plec because he will get HUGE lol and there just wont be enough space for the little fella he is only about 1 1/2 inch at the moment but when i brought him 2 weeks ago he was about 1/2 inch long so he is growing fast :S lol

Cory's work best in groups of 5+ but if the plec is gone then that amount isnt going to cause any problems :)
Would 5+ be acceptable in a 125 litre tank? the tank will be about 81cm long and 35cm wide and 50cm tall
Would 5+ be acceptable in a 125 litre tank? the tank will be about 81cm long and 35cm wide and 50cm tall

You could get away with 10 but this will limit the rest of the tank to stock, stick with 5 and you will be fine.... most would say 6 would fit into a 60 ltr 2 foot tank (including me, ive done it) so 5 in your 2.5 foot (roughly size) would be perfectly fine :)

great :) so my new tank will comprise of

2x Angelfish
5x Julli Cory
2x Swordfish (both males but get on great hehe)

and the plants you suggested and some weeping moss :D

if there are any other pretty and active fish you would suggest please let me know id really appreciate it

cheers! :D

P.S. Do you like my angelfish in my sig? :fun:
great :) so my new tank will comprise of

2x Angelfish
5x Julli Cory
2x Swordfish (both males but get on great hehe)

and the plants you suggested and some weeping moss :D

if there are any other pretty and active fish you would suggest please let me know id really appreciate it

cheers! :D

P.S. Do you like my angelfish in my sig? :fun:

Im not a lover of most fish m8, my tanks only have plecs, cory's and shrimp, but yeh they are a nice pair. If i was to get any i would chose black ones myself :good:.

Other stcocking would depend what you like, guppies, platies, mollies are amonsgt a few which have got some nice colour varients but others would probably sugest cichlids ... maybe some rams, kribs but tbh i would really know much about these or the compatabilty with the angels. Anythink to small the angels will stack on when there older so it pretty much rules of neons, shrimp.. etc.
Yeah im having alot of trouble finding fish that will go with Angelfish but they are my favourite fish so its worth it to me :)
Yeah im having alot of trouble finding fish that will go with Angelfish but they are my favourite fish so its worth it to me :)

Im sure some one will be along soon to help you decide, unfortunatley im not much help on that side with whats compatible with angels ;) other than the obvious that ive mentioned lol.

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