Freshwater Clam


Fish Fanatic
Jun 3, 2009
Reaction score
Walsall, UK.
hey guys as some will know im starting a new setup soon with sand as the substrate and ive been searching and searching for some sort of fish to burrow into the sand to stop the toxic gas pockets forming as i dont want to use snails as they breed like crraazzyyy so i was thinking about a freshwater clam do you think it will do the job efficiantly if at all?

here is a link to the info about it freshwater clam

Thanks for any input :)
i may be wrong i often am lol but from what ive heard these clams have a habit of starveing to death been the filter feeders they are in a normall set up :(
i would of thought special provision for feeding would need to implemented
keep reading and see what you can find out
scot :)
As long as you give the sand a good vac with your weekly water change toxic gasses shouldnt build up - its a bit of a myth!
cheers guys and ill have to have a look at those mussels they do sound cool :) hehe
Wow they are deffinatly something different to have in the tank not sure the cory's i am getting will like the competition for food tho lol
i keep hearing about this pets at home shop but never seen 1 are they any good? some shops i know of you buy fish and they die very quickly
some pets at home are quite good but ours is rubbish at the moment and has been for a while the suppliers for this area are not very good either they are just round the corner from me and ive been a couple of times they might even supply a store near you like birmingham, alot of people have mixed oppinians about them but they do seem to be booking there ideas up abit , i only go roung ours just to have a look i dont buy from them anymore as the tanks aren't clean and there is dead fish in most of the tanks too but im not saying thats all of them im not taring them all with the same brush
yeah ive just remembered ive actually been in it like 2 or 3 years ago and it wasnt very good to be honest too few choices and not very healthy if i can remember right me and my ex went in there to get her farther a few fish for his birthday and we went somewhere else after looking around lol

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