Where Can I Buy Malayan Livebearing Snails?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 3, 2009
Reaction score
Walsall, UK.
Anyone from the uk know where ican buy some of these snails? as i will be setting up a new tank shortly with sand as the substrate and will need some...

just ask at fish shops they would most probs be happy to give you some or try ebay
scot :)
I dont trust my LFS to sell me the right snails as i dont know what they look like and ive tried ebay with no luck :( lol Thanks for the fast reply :)
There are plenty for sale on ebay at the moment - only they're called Malaysian trumpet snails. I got mine from ebay, there's no problem with getting them posted.
ahh thats why i couldnt find them thankyou ill go find some now will they be ok in my gravel tank until my sand tank has fully cycled or can i just put them straight into the uncycled tank to get to work straight away?
Mine are in gravel, and there's no problem. When you want to transfer them to your other tank after it's cycled they will be easy to find when you do a gravel vac - they end up on the surface till they can tunnel down again.

Edit - though if you don't want them permanently in the gravel tank it could be a problem as you'll never be able to get them all out. The ones you add now will have babies in the gravel! You could always wait till the sand tank is cycled, there are always some on ebay.
im sure you could put them in an uncycled tank there tough little blighters
scot :)
I got 100's u can have i hate the darn things

your more than welcome to have them if u pay the postage.
i know what you mean helter i got rid of loads of mine took weeks to clear the glass as they marched up and out the sand my botia seem to be handleing it now lol
do they really mess up your glass then? i want them to stop gas build up under my sand if you can suggest anything else that would do the job just as well id apreciate it
they dont mess up your glass just make it look alive when you have a few hundred on the march i know ppl who use sand and no snails not sure what they use hopefully someone can tell you here
scot :)
Is there a fish that will keep them under control i.e. eat them or something so i have them sifting my sand but not get over run with them? im getting 5 julli cory's will they do the job of eating the buggers? lol maybe they eat the babys? i really dont know just ranting i guess lol

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