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  1. C

    My Gallery of fish + Tanks

    very nice fish especially the frontosa
  2. C

    what can i add

    ok im trying to finish the stock on my tanks first of the 55 gallon has 1x 6" male front 1x juvi. front 1x red zebra 1x kenyi 6x yellow labs 1x 5" pictus i believe i am done adding to this tank till i get the 125gallon or bigger for the fronts and yellow labs or fronts and brichardi <<...
  3. C

    frontosa or not?

    nice front :D do you have anymore? and im 99.9% sure its a front now after talking to the LFS researching so on and on and also found a new place today s o the 125G+ will be coming very soon :hyper:
  4. C

    frontosa or not?

    i personaly think its the same as my male frontosa- i was told suppsoly its not a frontosa due to the large eye....i talked with my LFS today i got him from and he was one of the fish in bulk on a large frontosa order...and also i got him free i asked how much he wanted he said dont worry about...
  5. C

    frontosa or not?

    in the pic you can see he has blue that changed when i put him in my tank or maybe just the blue light...but he does look comfortable so far besides the yellow labs messing with him
  6. C

    frontosa or not?

    ok i went to my LFS yesterday, and there was a juvenile black/white fish in there i asked if it was a frontosa he is like yes it is (ordered as frontosa) well i go here often and i know the guy pretty good, when he took the fish out the tank the fisk aka Little Mo... decided to make a jump for...
  7. C

    a few kribs...

    i have a 6" pictus in my 55G with a few small fish he doesnt bug any of the fish at all but he does get picked on by my 6"+ male frontosa my front absolutley hates the pictus in my 29G i currently have 5 kribs and 3 corys, and i think thats is near the max you seem to have a large number of...
  8. C

    Update on Progress

    ill have more pics very soon might replace my river rocks with driftwood today havent decided, and yes the corys love the sand :), the black sand really makes the color come out on the neons liek you said but also on the kribs and my blue ram
  9. C

    Update on Progress

    ok here is a rundown and update on my 3 tanks im working on Tank A - 55G Cichlid-Town 1x 6" male frontosa, 1x Juvi. Frontosa, 1 Red Zebra, 1 Kenyi, 6 Yellow Labs River rocks and Cichlid Substrate Aqua... something heater Tetra Whisper 40-60 1- 18" Coral Sun Actinic 420 (adding 1 more...
  10. C

    Lights for 29G

    well today i bought a 24" coralife 65watts light for my planted 29G so now i have a extra factory all-glass housing i was considering modifying the hood on my other 29G a bit and turn it into somthing planted not to many plants, but would this work, factory they are 40 watts together im sure i...
  11. C

    when to use a air pump

    when is a good tiem to use a air pump i have heard of several peopel just sticking to the filters i have 1 29 gallon with, 1 small plant,5 kribensis,2 mollies,3 swartz corys powered by a Tetra Whisper 30 1 29 Gallon with 3 dwarf sprouts,2 rose swords,2 unknown plants,2 blue rams,1 kribensis,5...
  12. C

    krib compatibility

    yeah i have a 10G tank below my 55G with like 4 dozen ghost shrimp weekly that i feed my kribs and cichlids in my 55G
  13. C


    i rearranged my tank stock today and ended up with... 5 julii corys 3 ottos 2 blue rams 5 neon tetras i was considering finishing thw stock on this tank this week.... anyone have suggestions? i would maybe like something else in it just am not decided if i should add anything else
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    albert and spike....these 2 dont get along for nothing, the front chases the pictus all the time
  15. pictusfront.jpg


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    Fat Albert :flex:
  17. front5.jpg


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    spike again :hey:
  19. pictus2.jpg


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  21. pictus.jpg


  22. C

    Pics of my Piranha Tank

    :cool: :flex:
  23. C

    cycle with guppies

    does cycling with guppies speed the cycle up?
  24. C

    krib compatibility

    i would take rams out of that, i have both now and do have 1 female ram in a tank with 6 kribs, all depends on how the ram acts, my male ram would go after the kribs and vice versa so im waiting on that tank condition to be stablizied that way i can add my other ram in the tank with the male...
  25. C

    New Kribs

    im in a similar situation, i have 3 males 3 females currently split between 2 tanks, im wondering if i should place all in the 29G till i see a pair form and then place the remaining....the tank already includes 10 small guppies which will possibly go to the LFS soon,5 neon tetras,3 ottos,3...
  26. C

    Pics from the 180....

    great pics, cichlids rock!!! :rolleyes:
  27. C

    PH and DH

    i have 2 tanks that im looking at concering the PH and DH, the first is my 55G this includes 1 kenyi,1 red zebra,3 kribs,4 yellow labs,1 frontosa which prefer minium of 10dh and want a around 8.0 PH well then i also have a pictus cat in that tank who doesnt prefer those conditions but i have...
  28. C

    Water Tests

    i was asking bcos i did hear strips where trash...only thing i dont liek about the AP test i have there is no nitrate test
  29. C

    Water Tests

    which water tests do you prefer? or do you suggest any others? 1) Aqarium Pharm (AP Freshwater Kit) 2) Tetra 3) Jungle Dip Sticks jungle tends to be a walmart brand so i stay away from it when i can
  30. C

    arcylic vs. glass

    so you say with a large tank like 125 or 180 more then likley...go with glass? i found a price on the tank,stand,canopy for $760 (glass)
  31. C

    PLEASE ANSWER! pictus catfish has swollen belly

    i wouldnt say they "NEED" a buddy but it will make him much happier, i had my one julii cory when i started my first 29G by himself for several weeks and he was very active now i have 2 ottos,1 blue ram and 5 julii cories in there....they deffinently have alot more fun now, my other tank i have...
  32. C

    arcylic vs. glass

    the tanks i seen online that i was interested in was a 180G arcylic but now that i found a place with glass tanks i might stick with has the con of getting leaks faster but with 180G i dont know if the arcylic will be able to stay straight could bow out
  33. C

    German Blue Rams

    i got blue rams myself, my one male is in the 29G Planted project now with 2 ottos and 5 julii cories....he does fine not hard ot take care of i also picked up a juvi blue ram today...not sur eon sex quite yet i didnt know with the first one for a little whiel till he grew ph at 7.5 has always...
  34. C

    pictures of my oscars

    your gravel looks liek halooween candy....nice :cool:
  35. C

    arcylic vs. glass

    im considering looking into prices on large tanks, so wondering if anyone has info on the 2....
  36. C

    whisper 30 vs. whisper 20-40 advanced

    does anyone have both or either of these? i have one on both of my 29 gallons and the whisper 30 seems to suck doesnt blow many bubbles into the tank but it did cycle faster....i was thinking about getting a whisper 30-60 for one of them if not both or just completly going to another filter...
  37. C

    Frontosa quick vid

    brine shrimp
  38. C

    Frontosa quick vid

    here is a quick vid that we got of the front
  39. C

    a BIG addition

    thanks, that will be quite hard - we only get juveniles around here and im not 100% sure what certain type of front he really is, they dont cross breed do they?
  40. C

    a BIG addition

    i totally agree - wasnt looking for advice wanted ot just share a picture, and btw he is in a 55G where he is much happier then the 20-25G he was stuck in at the LFS, plans for a larger tank are coming up in 2-3 months when i find 2 female frontosa im planning on having them in a 125G+ and also...