arcylic vs. glass


Fish Crazy
Sep 30, 2004
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im considering looking into prices on large tanks, so wondering if anyone has info on the 2....
Acrylic scratches much easier then glass.
Acrylic is lighter, more expensive, and must be fully supported on the bottom and as mentioned scratches easier-Anne
the tanks i seen online that i was interested in was a 180G arcylic but now that i found a place with glass tanks i might stick with has the con of getting leaks faster but with 180G i dont know if the arcylic will be able to stay straight could bow out
Thick enough acrylic should not bow, but thick enough tends to be expensive of course. Unless you are talking moulded, (ugh), the acrylic cement can also fail in service.
so you say with a large tank like 125 or 180 more then likley...go with glass?

i found a price on the tank,stand,canopy for $760 (glass)
I've had my 35 gallon acrilic tank since '91 and paid $82 for it locally. At the time it seemed like a lot of dough for only 35 gallons. Now, the same tank is >$200 plus shipping. As much as I love it, would I spend that much for it today? Probably not.

Although it's true that they can scratch easier than glass, I've managed to get only one small scratch on the front during my ownership. I think if you are mindful when near it and pay close attention when children are in the room ("NICE FISHY" :devil:) you shouldn't have any problems. :)
The nice thing about acrylic is you don't see the seams so you don't need any molding at the corners. It is a more refined look. I have a small 5 gallon mini-bow which is acrylic. Like mentioned earlier, if you're careful scratching shouldn't be a problem. I've heard they are as strong as glass. It's really a matter of preference. I'm perfectly happy with glass on my 10 and 75g tanks. I personally don't think the extra $ is worth it. I guess if my 75 was acrylic the ich medicine wouldn't have stained the sealer in the corners!!!!!

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