frontosa or not?


Fish Crazy
Sep 30, 2004
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ok i went to my LFS yesterday, and there was a juvenile black/white fish in there i asked if it was a frontosa he is like yes it is (ordered as frontosa) well i go here often and i know the guy pretty good, when he took the fish out the tank the fisk aka Little Mo... decided to make a jump for it and jumps out the container on the floor, so he tells me take him home if he lives bring me $10 if not dont worry about it so far he is ok but i posted on another forum and they say its a different type of fish to me it looks liek a juvenile frontosa after looking at alot of pics


i was told it is one of these possibly due to the big eye?

in the pic you can see he has blue that changed when i put him in my tank or maybe just the blue light...but he does look comfortable so far besides the yellow labs messing with him
there are many diffrent kinds of frontoas, so if you think yours isnt looking like the ones that you usually see it is probly one of the diffrent kinds. i believe there are like 7 or so diffrent ones, 5 line, 7 line etc.
i personaly think its the same as my male frontosa- i was told suppsoly its not a frontosa due to the large eye....i talked with my LFS today i got him from and he was one of the fish in bulk on a large frontosa order...and also i got him free i asked how much he wanted he said dont worry about it :D

paid high dollar for one and got a juvenile for free :hyper:
nice front :D do you have anymore?
and im 99.9% sure its a front now after talking to the LFS researching so on and on and also found a new place today s o the 125G+ will be coming very soon :hyper:

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