Update on Progress


Fish Crazy
Sep 30, 2004
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ok here is a rundown and update on my 3 tanks im working on

Tank A - 55G Cichlid-Town

1x 6" male frontosa, 1x Juvi. Frontosa, 1 Red Zebra, 1 Kenyi, 6 Yellow Labs

River rocks and Cichlid Substrate
Aqua... something heater
Tetra Whisper 40-60
1- 18" Coral Sun Actinic 420 (adding 1 more tomorrow)

this tank is very near to being completed the stock is finished (i believe) just need to look into aqua scaping on this one

Tank B - 29G Kribensis

1x male Krib, 4x female Krib, 3x Swartz Corys
1x Rose Sword, 1x Dwar Sag.
Driftwood, river rocks and black sand

Penguin 125 Bio
Whisper 10-30 Heater
2 24" 20W flourescent lights, (im thinking of getting one actinic420 for this possibly, light for plants is first!)

stock on this tank is up in the air......

Tank C: 29G Community

2x Blue Rams, 3x Ottos, 5x Julii Corys, 5x Neon Tetras
1x Rose Sword, 2x Dwarf Sag., 1x Dwarf Hairgrass, 1x Unkown
Driftwood,River rocks, black sand

Tetra Whisper 20-30
Tetra 10-30 heater
Corallife 65W lamp

stock on this tank is id say 5 neon tetras short cant think of anything else i would still want to add that would fit stock levels or maybe 1 pleco for cleaning

any suggestions are welcomed as always...and here go the pics

Here is the 55G setup with 1 18" actinic bulb tomorrow there will be 2, i love the way it looks especially of the frontosas

and here goes the 29G with the kribs its still a bit cloudy since i just changed to black sand earlier today

and last but NOT LEAST the community tank
Your tanks are great! I really love the black sand, makes the neons really stand out and I bet your cories love it too :thumbs:
ill have more pics very soon might replace my river rocks with driftwood today havent decided, and yes the corys love the sand :), the black sand really makes the color come out on the neons liek you said but also on the kribs and my blue ram

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