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    L091 Loss

    I'm using the API Freshwater master kit, which is the same kit (well a subset of the same kit) as my LFS uses ;) Which I suppose could mean that both tests are invalid.... Argh...
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    Tank Size Ok For Bristlenose?

    Well that's one explanation for the L numbers which has passed me by... so by that reason then an L001 should be about 0.1" :) Think someone needs a whack over the head with a clueby4... Though it did make me chuckle.
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    Catfish Acting Strange

    During the setup did you add a source of ammonia to kick start the seeding of bacteria in the filter media?
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    L091 Loss

    After the loss of my entire previous stock due to a power cut while we were away (when we got back some fish still lived but we couldn't save them - power had been off for 4 days :( ) I've restarted our tropical tank, it had been running for two weeks doing a fishless cycle till the parameters...
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    8 25l Ro Containers Later...

    Our new tank is now filled, the pumps are pumping, the heater is heating (I hope - its in the filter compartment so can't see it) :) The wife on the weekend decided to suprise me with a new marine tank - a Percula 90 :) The only thing I've had to change is the MH light as with our cat family...
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    Stocking - Tank Size

    I'm going to go about this from the wrong direction: rather than saying what tank size I've got I'm going to say what I'd like to keep and so what size tank do I need to keep them happy: 1x 6 line wrasse 1x Royal Gamma 1x Fox Face 1x Orchid dottyback I'd also like some suggestions for...
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    Stupid question time (usual for me, and even more usual at this time of the day): Reading the earlier posts one of them said to increase turn over in the main tank and calm sump down - for the turn over in the main tank would that mean just increasing the power of the powerheads (or adding a...
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    Interesting Test Result...

    Yep, I just tried this morning to reproduce my mistake - the nitrite test does make a lovely blue shade when mixed with ammonia tests... DOH! (Now to mix all the others up and see if I can make a nice bang.... used to be the best part of chemistry ;) )
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    Interesting Test Result...

    I didn't end up with time to redo the test earlier - just redone it now with a sample from the water taken pre-water change and post-water change... both identical 0. I suspect I might well have used one of the other reagents - or possibly shaking the tube with my thumb over the top instead of...
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    Interesting Test Result...

    Test kit: Red Sea Max Marine Lab. The ammonia test results should range from a pale yellow (0) to a dark green (think its 5ppm). Tested my water first thing this morning... lovely blue colour somewhat similiar in hue to a blue damsel... ??? :unsure: Any clues at what might have gone wrong...
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    I know - I just couldn't remember what the name was - setae was the word that had escaped me ... Didn't want to say bristles as that would bias responses ;)
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    Thanks for that. Hopefully my tank is nearly cycled now - the surviving corals are doing better than I've ever seen them :) (It will be atleast a week before we restock as I don't get paid for a week so should be finished in perfect timing) Assuming it is someone please help me with stocking...
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    This is the closest:- and this is close as well
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    I've just found a bristleworm living in my live rock - despite the problems which caused the wipeout of all fish my snails, hermits and two of my corals are still thriving. This morning though we found a longish bristleworm - mostly grey with white 'legs' (I know they're not legs but my mind...
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    Id On Plec

    (doh.... picture was included above while I was typing - ignore this post)
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    Urgent Help Needed

    I am - and the hermits are still alive and kicking (well more like clinging) One of the corals has survived and is the healthiest I've ever seen it (all polyps extended etc) The hammerhead coral is thriving as well. Mushroom polyp coral is also thriving - actually seem to have more polyps on...
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    My Plec Is Bloated!

    It's a Plec.... So yep very normal...
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    Without knowing what fish you have in your tank hard to say if the snails would be fine... in my community tropical tank a snail would last about 2 minutes before one of the clown loaches would find it and have a nice meal. Some fish view a snail the same way we view a boiled egg - something...
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    Urgent Help Needed

    :( Despite doing repeated water changes and driving our local LFS to distration with buying RO all the livestock bar the hermit crabs has died. Going to drain the tank down later and restart it - should I do anything to clean up the live rock?
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    Is My Fish Dyed.

    I tend to only go to fish shops which have signed up to the no-dyed fish policy PFK organise or are members of the OATA.
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    Nanocube 12dx - Protein Skimmer

    Thanks... will stick to that ;)
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    How Much For This Little Lot

    Err.... how about the link to the ebay bid? (I'm going to keep an eye on it - but will be probably be vetoed by the wife)
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    Nanocube 12dx - Protein Skimmer

    Does anyone know of a UK based supplier with a similar range to nanotuners?
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    Nanocube 12dx - Protein Skimmer

    Anyone know of a proper protein skimmer that I can fit to a nano cube 12DX - it comes with some crappy bit of comb like plastic which is held in place by the suction from the pump... Needs to be a hang on back type as I really don't want to have to lose water space to a skimmer.
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    Urgent Help Needed

    Well everyone now seems to be happier :) Just dug out the stats on the tank from the last 10 days since having it... the spike on ammonia was 5 days ago, nitrite 4 days ago, then to 0 until the problem occured. Just retested today (prior to water change) and the ammonia is going up still -...
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    Urgent Help Needed

    Right, most of the corals are fine - one is a bit stressed but its been like since we had it - it keeps putting its polyps out then withdrawing them - though looking at it now its alot more 'open' than it has been. All the fish are doing better today - going to do a daily 10l water change (its...
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    Experienced Fish Keeper... Major Problems

    With my wifes planted tank which had been running fine for about 9 months the plants for some reason decided to up and die - they started to go black and rot - as they did the ammonia shot through the roof... This was just after introducing a new plant so I suspect the new plant had some...
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    Urgent Help Needed

    Temp has been this temp for a week, SG has dropped - didn't notice until I did the water test. Just done a 15l water change - going to keep an eye on the tank for a while longer. Removed every bit of rock to see whether any thing had died and nothing had - both crabs who I couldn't see are...
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    Marine Problem - Urgent Help Needed

    The nitrite has just come back up today - was down to 0 (ditto ammonia). Going to do a water change now. Having said that everyone looked fine since being added (the clown and damsel have been resident for a week, the scooter since Friday last week and the rainbow this weekend)...
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    Urgent Help Needed

    Please see my thread in the tropical fish emergency section...
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    Bloody Black Sand!

    If it just cloudy should be safe enough - I had to redo the substrate around some of the plants in my planted tank (my plec decided to go digging for food) and so the water was rather cloudy for a few days - no ill effects noticed on the inhabitants...
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    Marine Problem - Urgent Help Needed

    12 US Gallon nano tank Water Parameters: Ammonia 0.5ppm Nitrite 0.5ppm Nitrate 10ppm Ph 8.4 Temp: 24 C / 75.2 F Salinity 1.020 (on the low side - now raising) Corals: 1x Pulse Coral 1x Leather 1x Orange Sponge 1x Lime green coral 1x Hammerhead (small - very small) 1x Yellow something or...
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    Some pearl gourami's? Some scissor tail rasbora's?
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    Bunny Or A Cat?

    Gone with kittens for one simple reason - my old pet rabbit bit me down to the bone ;) (He mistook my thumb for a carrot) - atleast the kittens we've bred don't try to eat me :)
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    Help - Tropical Tank To Marine Tank Conversion

    Hi, I'm currently looking at getting a larger tropical tank to replace my juwel delta 300 corner tank (so I can keep more catfish ;) )... As the Juwel is a nice tank I'm considering converting it to marine but so far not 100% sure what I'd need to convert it. Currently I reckon on needing:-...
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    I need to get some updated pictures sorted out - will try to get some today if I remember to take my camera gear out of the car...
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    I Didn't Want To...but He Made Me Do It

    And don't panic if your betta doesn't move for a while - ours (who is doing fine) has been known to fall asleep propped up on the bog wood in his tank... only waking up when he feels like it...
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    I'm back again... Both our tropical tanks are going well - a 3rd (a bio-orb for some smaller fish) will be up soon... my bigger tank has now become a 'proper' planted tank with CO2, the fish in it are doing really well (lost the odd platy but none of the other fish... are platys getting over...
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    Marine Tank Size?

    I've only just moved into marine tanks - got a nice little nano-cube up and running :) I'm happy with the nano but if TV doesn't improve within the next 3 months I'm planning on getting a 750l tank (actually if I can persuade the wife regardless of TV).
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    Volume In Uk Gallons

    Simple.... Put this into the query box and it will give you the answer.... 36 inches x 12 inches x 18 inches to imperial gallons You can shove things like cubic meters, liters instead of imperial gallons (just use gallons for us gallons) to get other units.