My Plec Is Bloated!


Fish Fanatic
Nov 29, 2007
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My Plec who is about three inches long and is feed on algae wafers seems to be very bloated around his tummy/middle and more recently has been doing very long poo's that tend to go on forever!! Also there are a few pale patches of skin on him.

Any idea's on what could be causing this? Is he constipated or just normal?
I dont feed him anything else, but have read cucumber is a good one to try.

Will get some over the weekend and try that.

Are the huge poo's normal?
Different plecs seem to like different veg., so may be worth exprimenting. None of mine like cucumber but they adore courgette, and also sweet potato and butternut squash. Cut a piece off, wash it, remove the skin (if feeding sweet potato or squash) and pop in the tank. I weight mine by poking one of those thin lead strips through it - the kind you get on bunched plants - otherwise it won't sink. I usually pop a chunk of veg. in overnight then remove any remains in the morning.

And yes, as mentioned, they do poo a lot!

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