Search results

  1. S

    Recommendations For Long Lived Fish

    For the past 6 months, I've had 3 rams but within a few weeks, 2 have died. They were all fully grown when I bought them and I knew they were in the lfs sometime before being sold. I really like rams as they have such characters so losing my favourite fish is not very nice. However, I've been...
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    Best Fish To Start With?...

    I had dwarf gouramis in a 10gal as well but wouldn't have any more. i found them quite territorial towards their own kind (when moved to bigger tank) and also to other fish (took an eye out of a glowlight). I found glowlights, harlequins, zebra danios and white clouds the hardyest. Cories...
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    Hardy Plants?

    Hydrophila tend to grow quite quickly, root easily and have broad leaves for shelter. I have a vallis and hornwort which grow quite fast but I think i have the most delinquent fish ever as they tend to munch on it and whenever i come home from work theres always some leaves floating at the top...
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    Moving Home

    I have a 180l and a 34l tropical fish tanks. If in the future, I wanted to move home, what is the best way to do this without upsetting or losing any fish. Is there any uk based company who can do this. We also have an pond with approx 30 fish inc koi - can we move these as well.
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    Aqua One Or Jebo Aquariums - Any Good?

    when i got my 380 the instructions mentioned that the carbon cartridges need changing every 8 weeks. Their usually about £7/8 for 3 so not really that expensive over here. I used to clean the tank 2/3 times a week but in fact this seems to stress the fish alot. i only do it now about every...
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    Bottom Feeders?

    i have both bronze/peppered cories and otos and between them they do an excellent job of keeping the tank clean. They both like to be in groups, so get a few of them if poss.
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    Wow! tried new food, amazing reaction!

    Are the ones in the jars ok as well to use? or the frozen ones best suited.
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    Aqua One Or Jebo Aquariums - Any Good?

    Hi'ya I have 3 zebra danios, 3 white clouds, 2 swordtails and 2 cories who all get along great. I originally had a couple dwarf gouramis but they squabbled alot (very territorial) so wouldn't advise doing that - I certainly learnt my lesson. I then moved them to my 180l where they then killed...
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    Silver Tip Tetra

    Hi. I didn't realise until later that I'd actually got 2 males and a female silver tips from my lfs. the female tends to shoal alot with the neons and harlequins but the 2 males tend to stick together at the front of the tank. they seem to be really good mates and are always together. They...
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    Aqua One Or Jebo Aquariums - Any Good?

    Hi, I've got the AR380 and its a great little tank. No problems at all with it. I also have the Aquaone Windsor 66 corner unit (180l) which we got from local lfs - we got everything included, heater, canister filter, plants, gravel, lighting etc etc fr £500. Hubby bought me AR380 for xmas...
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    Ram - Ill

    The neons seem to double up and twitch. They seem to act normal for some time then every so often (probably once every 5-10mins)the neons suddenly twitch, double up and float inthe water. Then they act normal again. I found both of them dead within 24 hrs. I've got 15 other neons and they do...
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    Ram - Ill

    hi, thanks for your comments wilder (i think we were adding threads at the same time last nigth so i didn't manage to add any further comments). My other 2 rams are coloured white with stripes and spots, where the white background on my ill ram is more grey and dull looking. i was surprised to...
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    Ram - Ill

    yeah!! She is trying to come to the front of the tank but she is looking very grey and unhappy.
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    Ram - Ill

    I've noticed tonight that one of my 3 rams is looking pretty ill. I've got 2 males & 1 female who have been living happily in 180l tank for past 6 months. My female is looking quite grey in colour, gasping for air, she was originally staying at the back/top of the tank but she's now slowly...
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    What Got You Into Fish Keeping?

    I'm relevatively new to it but hubby bought me a 10 gal for xmas last year. I've since bought a 40 gal tank. I find it so relaxing after having a pretty stressful job.
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    Going On Holiday

    Hi, cos of all the warm weather recently, my temps in my 2 tanks have risen quite a bit but i've managed to keep it down by ice/water bottles/aeriation/fans but what happen if the temp rises while i'm on holiday? what are the best solutions? i will obviously be closing the blinds etc, will...
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    Hi, Obviously, with the recent hot weather my 2 tanks temperature's are going through the roof. My 40 gal has gone up from 76 up 3 degrees and my 10 gal gone from 75 to 81. I've put cold water bottles, windows open, fans on, good aeration etc etc but i was just wondering what is the highest...
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    i wondered about this myself. I usually keep my tank at about 76 deg. at the moment its only risen by 2 deg and the fish still seem happy. we have a ceiling fan on all day which seems to help and the living room is generally shaded anyway so i'm hoping that will help. however, i was wondering...
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    Which Tank To Buy

    hi, i got my brand new aqua one windsor 66 (180litres) - i know a little smaller than what you are looking at - full set up, including canister filter, hood, heater, plants, gravel and decorations for £500 from my lfs. Made a deal with them that if they gave us the full "startup" for £500 we...
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    Black Moors

    just thought i'd mention, a friend of mine was getting "rid" of a moor a few years ago and had no where to put it, so we put it into our pond. We didn't think it would survive long but 3 years on its happily swimming around with the koi's and goldfish out in the garden and even survived the...
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    Will They Be Ok?

    I was treated to 2 clown loaches for my birthday this week as - i've always said i really like them - they are about 2" long. I have a 180l tank but will they be ok in this size tank? They seem quite happy with my other community fish and seemed to settle in quite quickly even though they tend...
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    Hi Do dwarf neon rainbows mix with madagascar rainbows? Kind regards
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    Red Eyed Tetras And Neons

    I've had 7 neons and 5 red eyes who've lived happily together for 6 months or so. I've added another 10 neons with no problems at all in the past month. They tend to shoal seperately and keep to themselves. If anything the silver tipped tetras chase both of the red eyes and neons and cause...
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    Why Do Fish Yawn?

    I've noticed my silver sharks sometimes yawn and the ghost carp and koi in the pond outside do it also??
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    Are Blue Rams A Community Fish?

    Hi I have 2 males and 1 female in with silver sharks, neons, red-eyes, glowlight, silver tipped tetras, cherry barbs, cories, rainbows and ottos and they all get along. The 2 males tend to squabble when its breeding time but nothing too serious. They have a great character i've found and would...
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    Blue Ram Help.

    I've got 3 rams and they are great little fish. They have such character. I initiall read that they can be quite shy and timid but the 3 i got (2 males & 1 female) are quite curious and into everything. They are quite tame and nibble on my arm and squabble with the aquavac when i'm cleaning...
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    How Much Noise Does Your Canister Filter Make?

    I've got a Aqua One Windsor 66 tank with a CF1000 canister filter. It was noisyish once new - that gentle humming sound you mentioned and also the movement of the media tended to make a racket at times. However, after 3-4 weeks it settled down and there's no sound at all from it now (6 months...
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    Am I The Only One With Delinquent Fish

    Am I the only one with the most delinquent fish. I have 3 German Rams amongst other community fish like silver sharks, small tetras, harlequins, cories and rainbows. They are pretty tame, in fact, when i was cleaning the gravel today, they decided they wanted to headbutt the vac bit on the end...
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    Red Eye Tetras Or Columbian Tetras?

    Hi, I had the same predicament and inthe end went with a shoalof 6 red eyes. They were a bit nippy against my 2 guppies which i then moved to another tank at the beginning but have had no problems since with them nipping. My rainbows shoal with them. I find the red eyes very nerves/timid fish...
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    Betta Question

    I have a 10gal tank with 2 swordtails, a few long tailed danios and white clouds. Would a betta be OK in this community??
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    Rams In A Community

    I've got 3 rams and their the funniest things. I've had no problems with them (had them about 4 months) at all even with regular water changes which i know some people have mentioned they are quite sensitive to. They live alongside various tetras, silver sharks, cories, harlequins, and ottos...
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    Aqua One ( The Decision)

    windsor 88 is good
  33. S

    German Blue Rams [pair]

    Hi, I've had 3 rams for the past 3 months with no problems. I changed from gouramis as they were causing upset in my community tank. I've also kept up regular water changes as i did read they can be quite sensitive. However, I've just come back from a 10 day holiday with obviously no water...
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    Aqua One ( The Decision)

    Hi, I also love the aquaone tanks. I've also got the windsor 66 in the corner of my living room (beech - matches all the furniture) and also a little AR380 in the kitchen. I've had to buy some step ladders to clean it out as I'm only 5ft anyway and adapted an old spatular to reach the bottom...
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    Neon Tetras

    Hi, I've recently came back off a 10 day holiday and noticed 2 out of my 7 neons paler than their usual vibrant colours. They still seem quite active with the group and are still eating, with no obvious sign of damage but do not seem to be getting their colours back. The other 5 have no...
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    Cleaning Inlet Pipes

    Hi, I will soon have to clean my aqua one CF1000 canister filter for the first time and was wondering if anyone could give me any advice how best to do this. How do you clean out your inlet pipes???
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    Via Aqua Tank

    hi, my husband bought me one of these for xmas last year -a black one. i keep it in thekitchen as i have a large aqua one tank in the living room - windser 66. My 380 as a couple of female swordtails, a male molly and a few zebra danios and white clouds in there also and they are all triving...
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    Hi, I will soon have to clean my aqua one CF1000 canister filter for the first time and was wondering if anyone could give me any advice how best to do this. How do you clean out your inlet pipes???
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    Aqua One

    Hi, I've got both a 34l, AC380 aqua one tank and also a windsor 55 corner cabinet model (180l) aqua one set up. I've had them since the beginning of the year and they both seem ok. i did have problems finding the carbon cartiridges for the 380 earlier on but found them on the net at the...
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    German Blue Rams - Fading Colours

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help. My new Rams black spots/strips seem to be fading. Is this normal?