Ram - Ill


Fish Fanatic
Dec 11, 2005
Reaction score
Nottingham, UK
I've noticed tonight that one of my 3 rams is looking pretty ill. I've got 2 males & 1 female who have been living happily in 180l tank for past 6 months. My female is looking quite grey in colour, gasping for air, she was originally staying at the back/top of the tank but she's now slowly trying to swim about but still looks pretty ill and not eating. She is usually quite tame, and comes to the front o fthe tank when i put my fingers there but today she just isnt interested. She does look swollen (don't think its dropsy though) and i originally thought she was full of eggs (they have spawned before recently) but her colour now tells me it must be something else. All the other fish seem ok and are swimming around quite lively. The males are acting normally. Tested water stats and all fine (am- 0, nit-0 ph 7.4), done 20% water change yesterday but still no improvement. Anyone got any ideas. After reading details on net, it seems that Rams do often die suddenly - has anyone had this happen.
sounds like the problem i'm having with my female german blue! Is yours a GB too?
Can you describe the grey abit more does it look slimey any flicking and rubbing.
If the fish is bloated i would try some shelled peas if the fish is still eating, it's the warm weather we have add, the high temps can cause bacteria in the tank to mulitply, best to do some water changes in hot weather, and keep the gravel well vaced.
yeah!! She is trying to come to the front of the tank but she is looking very grey and unhappy.
Being grey in colour can be parasites or bacterial, i would add a bacterial med for now bless her.

Is the grey colour in patches.

GREY SKIN Skin looks grey in patches. Costia necatrix parasites. Use BINOX or FUNGUS ELIMINATOR. Use GOLD FIX on goldfish. Can enter other aquariums by splashing water or using nets from infected aquarium. Clean nets with NET SOAK.

They can heavy breath with bacterial infections, but if she actually gasping it sounds like it could be a parasite.
hi, thanks for your comments wilder (i think we were adding threads at the same time last nigth so i didn't manage to add any further comments). My other 2 rams are coloured white with stripes and spots, where the white background on my ill ram is more grey and dull looking. i was surprised to see her still alive today. She is still pretty bloated and panting heavily but is steadily swimming around and then resting. She isn't at the top any more. I've been told that Rams only live about 6 months?? and i'm wondering if this is something to do with it. I have also lost 2neons who were having spasms also??? yet all the other occupants of the tank seem to be fine, in fact, they seem more active than usual today - even my clown loaches have come out of hiding which is unusual!!!
It will help alot if you can describe the spasm of the neons, as it sounding like a parasite.
The neons seem to double up and twitch. They seem to act normal for some time then every so often (probably once every 5-10mins)the neons suddenly twitch, double up and float inthe water. Then they act normal again. I found both of them dead within 24 hrs. I've got 15 other neons and they do not show any of the other system but those are a lot bigger. the two what died seem to be the " runts" of the batch.
I had the same problem with my Ram and sorry to say but she died today. No problems with any other fish though so I don't know if it is exactley the same. :-(
I had the same problem with my Ram and sorry to say but she died today. No problems with any other fish though so I don't know if it is exactley the same. :-(

Oh Bex I am sorry :no: Have you started the myaxzin treatment like Wilder suggested to us yesterday? I PM'd you earlier.
Sorry Bex R.I.P.
Do any other twitch in postion as it can be sign of parasites, and shaking or looking uncomfortable.
Hi guys!

sussexgirl - just pm'd you!

Wilder - no signs of anything wrong with any other fish at all. Water is still perfect and everyone is eating. Had a good chat with LFS today while describing the body and they asked me all sorts about external damage, but there were absolutley no signs of anything wrong apart from the darkened colour.

Doing the anti bacterial (can't spell it lol!) and keeping a close watch on everyone.

Thanks for all your help though and I will keep you updated. I will certainly shout if anything else goes wrong! :/
Good, when there are no systoms but fish have died, it best to treat with a bacterial med, plus darkening of colour can be a bacterial infection.
Good, when there are no systoms but fish have died, it best to treat with a bacterial med, plus darkening of colour can be a bacterial infection.

Thanks Wilder, you're a true fish doctor! Really appreciate the advice. I will keep a very close eye on everyone and hopefully the Ram will be my only loss.

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