German Blue Rams [pair]


New Member
Apr 5, 2006
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Currently on aquabid, there's an auction for a pair of German Blue Rams($10 + shipping), and I read that they can live in a community tank, and I was just going to double check with everyone to see if they would suit a 20g(US), with an algea eater, (4)Black Skirt Tetras, and (4) Silver Mollys.
Thanks in advance :)
Currently on aquabid, there's an auction for a pair of German Blue Rams($10 + shipping), and I read that they can live in a community tank, and I was just going to double check with everyone to see if they would suit a 20g(US), with an algea eater, (4)Black Skirt Tetras, and (4) Silver Mollys.
Thanks in advance :)

I tried german blue rams. they died within a month, I really tired to do everything I was told about them, they are just really sensitive I think, I had them in a 20G with some neons, beautiful fish but too hard to keep for this newbie
As for the neons, they did get along with them? I want to ditch these mollies, there's one big one that's bullying the other fish around and they just look dumb, i duno we'll see.
I think i'm going to order them.
As for the neons, they did get along with them? I want to ditch these mollies, there's one big one that's bullying the other fish around and they just look dumb, i duno we'll see.
I think i'm going to order them.

yep, they did fine with mine, I had 5 neons and those two rams (until they died)
God dammit, I think one of the mollies killed my algea eater.
Just for all who are interested, i'm getting those rams and takin these mollies back.
I love my rams. Pair of german blues too. I researched them a fair bit before committing, and they've been great in my community tank (see profile). I did have small glowlight tetras in there too initially, rams were fine with them. They mostly just harass each other (not seriously) from time to time.

They are supposed to require great water though, so I am keeping up with my water changes and gravel vacs weekly. PLus they do need some caves/ hiding spots too. Enjoy them! They're beautiful fish!
Hi, I've had 3 rams for the past 3 months with no problems. I changed from gouramis as they were causing upset in my community tank. I've also kept up regular water changes as i did read they can be quite sensitive. However, I've just come back from a 10 day holiday with obviously no water changes while i was away and they've been fine. They are quite cheeky and tend to get in the way alot when I'm cleaning the tank as they are quite curious with what is going on but they have a great character. I keep them in a community tank with a variety of tetras including neons, glowlights, white tipped and red eyes, cories, bala sharks, a rainbow and some cherry barbs. They do squabble between themselves and they sometimes chase the white tipped tetras (mainly because the tetras harrass the rams) but otherwise i've found them to be wonderful community tank members.

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