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  1. cafai0627

    New Tank Stocking

    Very Very Active! They don't stop chasing eachother
  2. cafai0627

    Few Questions About My Rams

    Yep one by one mine are dissapearing too! Unfortunately since these guys are so common my LFS won't even take them back for free. Did you ever try leopard long fin danios? They are super active and breed very easily and occupy the top of the tank -however when they chase eachother they go all...
  3. cafai0627

    Comunity Cichlids

    i'm guessing that they are juveniles - and if you have definite plans on getting a bigger tank - buy 2 more loaches, 2 more female rams (german blue ram: males are more colouful and spiky dorsal fins and females have pink bellies) and more neons!
  4. cafai0627

    Few Questions About My Rams

    Did you start with a school of neons? In my 65 gallon i started with 28 now down to 18 - i don't know what mates are killing them - however none of them eats it after its dead except the clown loaches - and i don't want them to eat it, but they take the body and run back to their caves so i...
  5. cafai0627

    Comunity Cichlids

    Well if you search the forum, you will find my post with similar problems. A lot of the people here have many years of experience and like it or not, the ones with pics of beautiful tanks are right 99% of the time. I was told that mine was grossly overstocked so i listened to a certain extent...
  6. cafai0627

    Few Questions About My Rams

    Anything distinctly different about the 4? I'm happy mine spawned, but really i'm the kinda fish keeper that will let nature take its course - if they survive they survive. My 2 females both have their breeding tubes out already only 2 weeks after spawning. The first time i bought them i knew...
  7. cafai0627

    Few Questions About My Rams

    Assuming they behave like German Rams - very quickly. I think it was 3 or 4 days after I purchased my 3 juveniles (1nch each) they spawned. 2 females and 1 male of course. All 3 tended to them and about 38hours later all three enjoyed caviar - i think thats how you spell it. For German Rams...
  8. cafai0627

    Tanks Lids And Exploring Pet Cats

    I got a fat cat too 18lb persian. In the beginning he showed interest in it - i use to just leave a cup there...anytime he showed up, i took the cup and poured tank water on him - he eventually learned. It maybe messy...but it worked for me.
  9. cafai0627

    How Do You Clean Your Aquarium?

    If you're worried/concerned about the hassle/troubles of cleaning plants,wood- try sectioning off your tank. I use black tahitian sand for 75% of my tank and one corner of the tank I use large smooth pebbles as a "fence" and in that area i use pea gravel and it creates a nice look as its one...
  10. cafai0627

    My 55 Gallon Community

    Very Nice! Maybe a school of something can go in there :good: similar to my set up - but i plan on downsizing my angels from 6 to a pair of the best looking ones when they get older, i just want to see them breed once but if the two best are males/females so be it! Similar to my community...
  11. cafai0627

    All Seem To Like The Hikari Algaes Wafers Best

    I can't believe i never owned loaches before - they are awesome!
  12. snowballangel.jpg


  13. waferlovers.jpg


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  15. algaelovers1.jpg


  16. cafai0627

    Silver Arowana Growth Rate...

    They Grow fast! Especially if its a silver - and i don't think small tanks can stop them from growing either. I did a terrible thing by housing mine in a 65 gal...and his growth slowed at 2 feet and when i gave him to the LFS he was at 2.5 feet, and grew rapidly in his new 265 gal. I fed mine...
  17. cafai0627

    Going A Different Direction :d i'm chinese and go there from time to time and didn't even see it. Its in pacific - or in that little "village" like place?
  18. cafai0627

    Me Again~! :) Help With Non-cichlid Tankmates?

    No, No - although i can disagree with others opinion, i have respect for people who share their experiences, and I am in no way saying that set up was ok - they were well maintained and never got sick - just a "little" crowded. I don't consider myself an expert, but if I see that the fish are...
  19. cafai0627

    Going A Different Direction :d

    Haha...i'm so glad i found this forum! Kevin - nice selection of fish for your set up. In Toronto too....where do get your stuff from? Big Als/ Dragon Aquarium Mississauga?
  20. cafai0627

    Me Again~! :) Help With Non-cichlid Tankmates?

    I was young! I won't do something like that again - he went into a 285 gal show tank at the LFS
  21. cafai0627

    Another Update

    Awesome Tank!
  22. cafai0627

    Makes Me Sick...

    I work in a hotel, and the restaurant decided to keep a fish bowl with 2 fancy goldfish in them at the hostess stand - 1 of them died on valentines day in front of a big line up of guests. The hostess must have been told off at least twice a day by people like us in the 1 month we had it. I...
  23. cafai0627

    Me Again~! :) Help With Non-cichlid Tankmates?

    You should have kept the plec! 80 Gal is tight for the fish, but i've done worse, a lot of TLC and some luck will guarantee they will stay happy and healthy in your 80 gallons. No reason why you can't add more for now - once they start growing and you get more attached it will give you the...
  24. cafai0627

    65 Gal Community

    oops..forgot to mention 7 long fin danios full grown. I know lots of fish - but really its not that over crowded yet. I'll rehome once then angels and loaches get big. Any suggestion on what to keep together? I plan on buying a 110 gal (48X18X30inchdeep) in about a year - i need to sooner i...
  25. cafai0627

    65 Gal Community

    Thanks - cories i think were either spotted/agazizi?/schwartze? Not even sure though, but they were $5CND for 3. Check out my post in the new world cichlids (breeding tri ram) for more details on the breeding. well i know i'll get myself into some trouble here, And i personally think the...
  26. 30gal.jpg


  27. buddha.jpg


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  29. rameggs.jpg


  30. singleram65.jpg


  31. active63b.jpg


  32. snowball.jpg


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  34. corycorner.jpg


  35. cafai0627

    65 Gal Community

    My Snowballs
  36. 2snow2.jpg


  37. cafai0627

    Breeding Trio Of German Blue Rams After 4 Days Of Purchase - Help Plea

    K i'll be getting off work soon, i just manage to download the pic from my camera phone - how to i post a picture? K just posted them in the pic section titled 65 gal community - it has a low qual image of the eggs.