Nice fish you have there. What kind of cories have you got?? Gorgeous rams too. Do you have two? I'm sure I see a male and a female. How many clown loaches have you got?? And how many snowballs??
Lovely fish, nice pics.
Thanks - cories i think were either spotted/agazizi?/schwartze? Not even sure though, but they were $5CND for 3. Check out my post in the new world cichlids (breeding tri ram) for more details on the breeding.
well i know i'll get myself into some trouble here, And i personally think the set up will be ok for atleast 6 more months. I was told by a member already that its grossly over-crowded
65 Gallon (36inX18inches wideX24inches deep) occupants:
4 clown loaches: 4-6 inches
4 swords-full grown well down to 3 now just found a the loaches and cories eating a dead one.
1 Ram full grown 3inches ( started with 5, 4 died. Before i got them i didn't know anything about them and ended up picking up the most colourful ones, i ended up with 4 m and 1 f. Dominant one is doing really well now)
9 cories
2 blue gouramis (1m-4inch 1 f 3inch)
3 honey gouramis
2 snowballs (2.5 inch)
1 gold nug (2.5 inch)
6 Koi Angels (2.5-4inches) & planning to trade in 4 once a pair forms
28 neons
30 Gallon:
10 black neons
4 plattys
3 juvenile german rams ( 1inch each, 1m 2f)