New Tank Stocking


New Member
Jul 18, 2006
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hey! i just got another tank and i'm currently in the planning stages, and i've heard some different opinions on some of the fish. Here's the stocking scheme; tell me what you think. Please only respond if you have experience with these fish, as i want to know how they really act. Thanks! :good:
7 tiger barbs
4 zebra danios
1 redtailed black shark
4 black phantom tetras
5 hatchetfish
3 bronze corydoras
So what do you think?
55 gallons, but mostly I just want to know what you think as far as compatibility and how they will all behave together. Thanks for any input!
Everything looks ok go with 6 or more cories, and a the redtailed black shark is rather aggresive from what ive heard but ive never had one so i couldnt tell you how it will be.
Everything looks ok go with 6 or more cories, and a the redtailed black shark is rather aggresive from what ive heard but ive never had one so i couldnt tell you how it will be.

I think redtails are agressive to other shark species or speices of that kind or similarity, and as far as i know its when they mature so, tank looks good, definatley go with the cories great idea i love mine.
That may be as i said ive never kept one, but arent i think that the rainbow shark would be a better choice.
I have an RTBS, they like to chase others around, but they never hurt any other fish though. And the only get like that when they mature.
I have an RTBS, they like to chase others around, but they never hurt any other fish though. And the only get like that when they mature.

Yeah looks a nice stock list. RTBS as said are onlt aggresive when mature so should be OK as long as there are plent o hiding places.

one note I would get 6 danios because they like to school, I have 5 cos I inherited mine and they are very active.
I have an RTBS, they like to chase others around, but they never hurt any other fish though. And the only get like that when they mature.

Yeah looks a nice stock list. RTBS as said are onlt aggresive when mature so should be OK as long as there are plent o hiding places.

one note I would get 6 danios because they like to school, I have 5 cos I inherited mine and they are very active.

Very Very Active! They don't stop chasing eachother
Thanks guys! About the tiger barbs, I've heard that they have a tendency to harass the other fish but that this can be reduced by a big shoal. Is this the case? And do you think that the RTBS will be ok with the cories since they are both bottom dwelling fish and I've heard the shark can be territorial? Thanks!
I have nine barbs and they all shoal together fine. they seem to get on with every thing else in my tank. they are my favarate fish, they are so active all the time.

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