Comunity Cichlids


New Member
Jul 24, 2006
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I was amazed to find that Cichlids could be placed in Community Tanks ie Rams.
I bought a pair of golden Rams form The LFS and on my next visit found that they had blue Rams so i got a pair of those aswell. The two male's unfortunatly died within two weeks of each other ( after being in my tank for two months ). The ladies have lived for a while with the Blue chsing the Golden around on a constant basis. It seems to have been to much for the golden Ram which died Yesterday. I am Keen to get another Blue male so they can pair.

I would just like to know if there are other Cichlids which i could add to the tank aswell. I find the Cichlids more intersteing. If only before i had set up for a Community Tank. :unsure:

Tank is a 180 liter and stocked with

2 X Angels
2 X Clown Loaches
2 X Pink kisses
2 X BN's
1 X Pleco
4 X Neons
3 X Phantom Tetra's
1 X Blue Ram
2 X Mollies

Any help or advise would be great

I was amazed to find that Cichlids could be placed in Community Tanks ie Rams.
I bought a pair of golden Rams form The LFS and on my next visit found that they had blue Rams so i got a pair of those aswell. The two male's unfortunatly died within two weeks of each other ( after being in my tank for two months ). The ladies have lived for a while with the Blue chsing the Golden around on a constant basis. It seems to have been to much for the golden Ram which died Yesterday. I am Keen to get another Blue male so they can pair.

I would just like to know if there are other Cichlids which i could add to the tank aswell. I find the Cichlids more intersteing. If only before i had set up for a Community Tank. :unsure:

Tank is a 180 liter and stocked with

2 X Angels
2 X Clown Loaches
2 X Pink kisses
2 X BN's
1 X Pleco
4 X Neons
3 X Phantom Tetra's
1 X Blue Ram
2 X Mollies

Any help or advise would be great


Well if you search the forum, you will find my post with similar problems. A lot of the people here have many years of experience and like it or not, the ones with pics of beautiful tanks are right 99% of the time. I was told that mine was grossly overstocked so i listened to a certain extent and rehomed/returned "some" of the suggestions that were made. I hate hearing this too, but gotta say - you are or going to be overstocked soon! Trust me its better coming from me, as I did the same thing too. I too have clown loaches and against the advice of the forum member, i kept mine as i heard they are slow growing and are just way too much fun to get rid of now and to be honest i probably won't do it when they get bigger i'll just have to buy a bigger tank. The lone male i have left in the 65 gallon is doing awesome and i'm not going to introduce him a mate just yet. Instead i bought a 30 gallon bow front and bought a trio (1m 2f) juveniles 1inch each - and they spawned after 3 days. So before others starts telling you what i was already told, i'll tell you now, and you probably already know this.

1.Clowns likes to be in groups and can grow to a foot and according to some people 2 feet, but i never saw that before in real life - i have seen 1 foot clowns at my LFS african display tank (probably close to 300gallons)
2. Angels grow to 8-10inches i think and are very aggressive once they start to breed
3. kissers grow big too
4. depending on type of pleco (commons get huge and massive poopers!) smaller ones like snowballs and gold nugs - what i have are very sensitive to water quality so overcrowded tank means death to them and i lost 2 nugs and 1 snowball - after taking advice and rehoming, i now have 2 nugs and 2 snowballs that are doing awesome and eating and are active even during the day!
5. Neons looks much better in bigger schools

I'm not an expert but after listening to "some" of the advice - my tank is now active and colourful and awesome to sit and watch for hours. And i'm not telling you to take my advice or anybody else, just sharing my experience with you.

Hopes this helps and i hope i did not offend you or others reading this post!
No offence taken at all.

It's a common Pleco so i know he's got to go. He is still small at the moment so i will provide a home for him untill he gets to big or untill i finaly snap because he eaten all my plants again. The Fish store i bought him from made no mention that he would grow to giant sizes.

I had no idea's the clowns would get that big , and like you there is no way im getting ride of them .
I have had the Pink kisses for a while and they seem to be growing slowly. I had some Green Kisses thet grew quite large but have been told the Pink's don't get as big. Looks like i will need to rethink the population of my tank.

The Clowns , Ram and Angles are staying , so iwll have to make a plan about the others.

Thanks for the Advise - Have been thinking about getting another tank.
No offence taken at all.

It's a common Pleco so i know he's got to go. He is still small at the moment so i will provide a home for him untill he gets to big or untill i finaly snap because he eaten all my plants again. The Fish store i bought him from made no mention that he would grow to giant sizes.

I had no idea's the clowns would get that big , and like you there is no way im getting ride of them .
I have had the Pink kisses for a while and they seem to be growing slowly. I had some Green Kisses thet grew quite large but have been told the Pink's don't get as big. Looks like i will need to rethink the population of my tank.

The Clowns , Ram and Angles are staying , so iwll have to make a plan about the others.

Thanks for the Advise - Have been thinking about getting another tank.

i'm guessing that they are juveniles - and if you have definite plans on getting a bigger tank - buy 2 more loaches, 2 more female rams (german blue ram: males are more colouful and spiky dorsal fins and females have pink bellies) and more neons!
TBH I dont think you could fit anything else in that tank. I'd lose the angels, kissers and plec as they all get too big - and then rethink from there ;)

Oooooor....get a bigger tank ;)

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