Going A Different Direction :d

This is one of the most frustrating threads I have ever read. I informed Krazy of the clown loach issue and was blown off... Cane informs him of the clown knife issue and is blown off... 100 Gallons is a very large tank for probably 70% of fish keepers possibly a higher percentage... Now I will take your word on it that you are actually getting a new 100 gallon tank but I would like to see pictures first as some posters when knowing they are wrong dodge more advice and constructive criticism via stating they have just gotten a new tank
See... I come here for advice... if I didn't care, I wouldn't come here! Also FYI, I've talked my dad tonight and we're getting 100 gallon tank tomorrow when I go to pick up my 30 tiger barbs my my LFS... and Cane, you say 100gallon upgrade is way to small?! you have a 100gallon tank with odd balls! the only thing that will go into this 100 gallon tank will be my clown knife in like 4-5 weeks when it's cycled... and what do you have in your 100gallon tank cane??? OH THAT'S RIGHT A CLOWN KNIFE!

Whats the point of comming here asking for advice, if you arnt going to take it? I dont beleive 1% of what you said, 100 gallons? for someone as immature as you, i think your dad should think twice, and this is just bull, who the hell would keep one, yes one fish in a 100 gallon tank, im not saying the fish isnt beutiful, but im thinking of other possibilities for a 100 gallon tank, either way i would trade in the clown knife and go for a Planted Amano type of tank, with Clown loaches Denison Barbs, huge schools of tetras, huge schools of cories, it is a complete waste for one fish when you think about the time and money you will put into it. Definatly not worth it for one fish. Of course im saying its bull that you are even getting a 100 gallon,if you are doing it, why dont you get that in the first place instead of the 55 gallon? its just a way for you to shut us up, if you DO want to shut us up, then leave the forum so you wont ever have to hear our advices ever again and save the rest of the members from your bull-ish, we are not getting paid to give advice, we give advice to help out other members, and you call us jackasses.

You still work at a fish store? maybe thats why most of your posts are in the beginner section, i mean, you cant be a begginer and..sell people fish..

you live in ontario eh? where do you work at i'll pay you a visit

I mean looking through some of the topics you made...you know nothing about julii cory cats, asked if you can put 3 balas in a 55 gallon tank

Ok here it is, a 55 gallon tank ready to go fully cycled and now I just need fish... The guy at my LFS recommended neons and harlequins and mabye some rams..

asked a guy at your lfs for recommendations, you obviously dont work at a lfs, in the past or present, stop frontin

So obviously, you like to lie, i cant trust anything you say
See... I come here for advice... if I didn't care, I wouldn't come here! Also FYI, I've talked my dad tonight and we're getting 100 gallon tank tomorrow when I go to pick up my 30 tiger barbs my my LFS... and Cane, you say 100gallon upgrade is way to small?! you have a 100gallon tank with odd balls! the only thing that will go into this 100 gallon tank will be my clown knife in like 4-5 weeks when it's cycled... and what do you have in your 100gallon tank cane??? OH THAT'S RIGHT A CLOWN KNIFE!
sorry guys i cant resist :eek:
my 100g is a growout tank this is my baby 280g
Haha...i'm so glad i found this forum!

Kevin - nice selection of fish for your set up. In Toronto too....where do get your stuff from? Big Als/ Dragon Aquarium Mississauga?
Well I don't really think I should bother with this because you seem to know everything already, about how you CKF will be ok and all the other stuff that you had already made up your mind on, but anyway:

1 Pleco (BN) 4" = 4"
15 Cory cats 1.5" = 22.5"
2 Apistogramma (1m/1f) 2.5" = 5"

71.5" of fish....still slightly overstocked, but I would say that would be ok with the size tank, overfiltration etc etc

imo, that would look amazing. Tiger barbs as your OTT excentric looney fish, a nice pleco (bristlenose, or clown maybe?), a huge shoal of cories scarpering across the bottom and a pair of apistos as your centrepiece.

You say you care about your setups, but it really doesn'tcome across. How many people have tried to tell you that the CKF will be far too large for your tank, but you just ignore it? At first your stocking was way way way overstocked, people told you, but would you listen...


PS get rid of the knifefish and do a bit of research before you buy anymore fish.
This is same ol' same ol'.

Someone posts and asks about a fish and is told it will get too large, they find one crap website that says it will be ok and then buy it and try and defend their decision by saying they have read websites (which they will not post links to) and they are right.

They then moan that people aren't nice because they have been told their tank is completely unsuitable. Same thing happened a while ago when someone bought a Red Tail Catfish for a 55 saying they would soon upgrade to a 100 negating the fact these things need ponds.
Haha...i'm so glad i found this forum!

Kevin - nice selection of fish for your set up. In Toronto too....where do get your stuff from? Big Als/ Dragon Aquarium Mississauga?

Nope mostly from that asian mall with nice healthy cheap fish, its beside pacific mall, highly reccomend that store
Really....wow i'm chinese and go there from time to time and didn't even see it. Its in pacific - or in that little "village" like place?
I'd love to see pics of this 350g bow fronted tank. I've never seen a bow fronted that big before. But somehow I doubt I ever will either lol...
I think you'd be massivley overstocked if you follow that plan. however i strongly suspect your not gonna listen to a word i say and will do it anyway.

anyone see why i said that??? :rolleyes:

sorry fishkrazy but your not giving out a very good impression of yourself on this forum, you've posted a hell of a lot of dodgy info and when asking for help your ignoring everyone's comments unless they say what you want to hear.... i mean why bother asking if your not gonna listen to the answers?

I would say no, no, no on the discus. They should really have a species only tank and they require very, very clean water and precise water conditions. I know your tank is over-filtered but I think the bioload with all the other fish would be too much for the discus to overcome. Plus, as you said, they are very expensive!!
You may also want to bare in mind at some point that clown knife may be able to eat the smaller fish in your aquarium! :eek:
And I do have to agree with Miss Wiggle (as I usually do!) that you will still be overstocked. ESPECIALLY if you add on top of all your thoughts 4-5 angels!!
Anywho, just my opinion!


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