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  1. uGlitch

    Scape Suggestions?

    I ordered in some cambomba, rotala rotundifolia, and some more cryptocoryne parvas from a trusted LFS today. Arrival should be this coming friday. :)
  2. uGlitch

    Scape Suggestions?

    Thanks for the link Ianho! Really informative. I know I wasn't supposed to get this out of the link you gave me...but I fell in love the the jungle scapes! :drool: Any help as to how to transform what I have into a dense jungle will be appreciated :P This is a picture of the tank as of this...
  3. uGlitch

    Scape Suggestions?

    AHG! I moved some stuff around and I HATE the way it looks! I should've just left it as is... =.= :shout:
  4. uGlitch

    Scape Suggestions?

    I don't have the co2 on all the time, I started this tank up before I joined this forum and I was mislead that all plants need co2. I only have the co2 on when i want them to grow out faster now...hope that clears things up. Also, thanks for your input ps3steveo. I also get the feeling it's 2...
  5. uGlitch

    Scape Suggestions?

    Lol, the stones were from a river near my house. I just gave it a good clean before putting it in my tank. I guess it's just the layout then...not too keen on spending money on more wood though >.<
  6. uGlitch

    Scape Suggestions?

    I moved some stuff around and added a couple rocks as Proxo suggested. Still not happy with it. Any advice? :/
  7. uGlitch

    Scape Suggestions?

    Getting more cryptocoryne parvas for the front. I already have some...but it's spreading slower than i expected. Idk what kind of rocks and where i would be able to put them...I would love some though. :P
  8. uGlitch

    Scape Suggestions?

    I'm not quite happy with the scape as it is atm. Feel free to bash and critique all you like :P The setup is a 33gallon, 1.8wpg, dosing trace elements weekly with pressurized co2.
  9. uGlitch

    How Much Is Too Much?

    Haha thanks I guess? I've been trying to get rid of it forever so the fish colors can actually show through, but hearing that from you makes me feel a bit better about it :P. I'm liking the Apistogramma Panduro better than the checkerboards, will check my LFS for any asap. :good:
  10. uGlitch

    How Much Is Too Much?

    Haha I'm not sure if you're serious about the water color minnt :P. I forgot to soak the driftwood before putting it in and it's leaking tannins like crazy. The color is not as intense now since I've been doing major water changes weekly to get rid of them, but the water is still stained. But I...
  11. uGlitch

    How Much Is Too Much?

    Omg! They're beautiful! I never reallly looked into the dwarf cichilids, but a quick google search and i'm already wanting them. Would they add much on to the bio load? Like kelly said my angels are still juvies and growing fast! also do these dig? Im not too fond of diggers. :/
  12. uGlitch

    How Much Is Too Much?

    Okay, thanks! I was worried I might be overstocking it with the recent addition of octocinculus in there.
  13. uGlitch

    How Much Is Too Much?

    So I have a 33g planted tank with the following stock: 2x angelfish 15x harlequin rasboras 8x panda corydoras 6x octocinculus catfish How stocked am I? Would I be able to add more fish in?
  14. uGlitch

    Need A Lot Of Help With My First Planted Tank..?

    Personally, I used rubber bands to attach my anubias to my driftwood. Just keep an eye on it so it doesn't start falling apart. Once it roots into the driftwood you can just cut it off. You can also use fishing line, or some kind of string to tie it on, and I've seen people use superglue as...
  15. uGlitch

    Tank Of The Month - July 2011

    competition photo: Uploaded with confirmation: It's still a work in progress, but I'll give it a whirl! :) Also, sorry for poor photo quality. I only have my phone camera. :crazy: EDIT: I got a better snap of the tank. Hope changing the competition photo is allowed :S
  16. uGlitch

    Tank Of The Month - July 2011

    Very nice tanks! I may enter my tank in for this month if I can get a half decent pic :P
  17. uGlitch

    35 Gallon Hi-Tech Medium Light

    Ahhh fml! :shout: My powerhead was running a bit slow with the prefilter on, so I took it off. I woke up this morning to half my harlequins and a panda cory inside the powerhead :-( Why do I make the stupidest decisions? :/
  18. uGlitch

    35 Gallon Hi-Tech Medium Light

    Problems just keep on popping up now. This morning I spotted a bit of BBA and diatoms :( Something's out of balance...I wonder what it could be :/
  19. uGlitch

    35 Gallon Hi-Tech Medium Light

    The crypts are more stable now, a week ago they were losing leaves like crazy! I was freaking out! :S I do have fluorite under the sand and I dose trace elements once a week after water changes. unfortunately, im still seeing brown spots on my swords. I believe my lfs said they were brazillian...
  20. uGlitch

    Need A Lot Of Help With My First Planted Tank..?

    If I were you i'd returen the ribbon plants to your lfs asap! Although i'm pretty new to plants as well, those don't look like true aquatic plants. They'll look good for a month or so and then start degenerating. Otherwise good plant choices. :)
  21. uGlitch

    35 Gallon Hi-Tech Medium Light

    Update! :hyper: My water wisteria has been growing like weeds! I've trimmed them and ended up with 3 new bushes. :shout: The alternanthera rosaefolia is looking quite skinny unfortunately :( I might have to switch them out for something else later on. No change with the anubias nana. Looking...
  22. uGlitch

    35 Gallon Hi-Tech Medium Light

    Here's a picture from this morning with the Cryptocoryne Parvas in the front. :) Everything's looking as lively as ever! It's a shame I only have my phone camera though. :/
  23. uGlitch

    35 Gallon Hi-Tech Medium Light

    Alright, I'll give it a try. Hopefully it'll do well with some CO2 in there. I'm probably going to go buy a refill soon after I find a place that sells them cheap. :P
  24. uGlitch

    35 Gallon Hi-Tech Medium Light

    @AvidD Yay for planted tanks! :) This is actually my first planted tank. I've done quite a bit of research beforehand and I thought I might as well do it right the first time if I'm going to invest my time and money on it. For a long while I've been debating between HC and dwarf hairgrass, but...
  25. uGlitch

    35 Gallon Hi-Tech Medium Light

    Yay replies! I was beginning to think i was talking to myself. :P @AvidD The substrate consistes of fluorite, topsoil, then sand. I was unaware you're not supposed to "cap off" fluorite. Why is that? :S I am running 2 T5 bulbs. 1x 39 watt 10k lumen and 1x 21 watt colormax bulb I had the fluval...
  26. uGlitch

    35 Gallon Hi-Tech Medium Light

    I went to my LFS today and bought some Cryptocoryne Parva for the front of the tank. I can't wait to see how it looks after it spreads! :) I also added in more harlequins for my shoal. There's about 12x Harlequin Rasboras in the tank now. My 7 panda cory's are still as cute as ever. Swimming...
  27. uGlitch

    35 Gallon Planted *updated*

    New updates will be further posted in the planted journals section.
  28. uGlitch

    35 Gallon Hi-Tech Medium Light

    I moved some plants around and I think it looks much better personally :)
  29. uGlitch

    35 Gallon Hi-Tech Medium Light

    This is what I have so far. I put it in the wrong section of the forum, but i'll be updating this regularly. Enjoy! :)
  30. uGlitch

    35 Gallon Planted *updated*

    So I bought more plants today and added them into the tank. I was really excited until I saw the finished product. It looks...really messy. Can anyone good at aquascaping give me some suggestions? :S Here are the pictures from today (June 09/2011). Full front view of the tank. Right side...
  31. uGlitch

    35 Gallon Planted *updated*

    Lol yea, the only reason I have the rocks in there atm is to sink the wood. They take forever to get waterlogged! Those rocks have been in my tank for a bit over a month now and the wood still won't stay down! :grr: I was thinking of adding in some anubias later, and maybe a carpeting plant in...
  32. uGlitch

    35G Plant Stock Help?

    This is what i have done so far with the looks like it's missing something though. Any ideas what kind of foreground/midground plants i should add in? Right now i only have water wisteria in the back right corner.
  33. uGlitch

    35 Gallon Planted *updated*

    This is what i have done so far with the looks like it's missing something though. Any ideas what kind of foreground/midground plants i should add in? Right now i only have water wisteria in the back right corner.
  34. uGlitch

    Cloudy Water?

    The LFS I got the driftwood from claimed that it was presoaked. I soaked it a couple more days anyways. Any other ideas why its so murky? How do I get rid of it? >.<
  35. uGlitch

    Cloudy Water?

    I had this aquarium for a bit over a month now. I had it cycled in the dark and everything before I went and put any plants in. The tanks is a 35g high tech 1.8wpg fluorite/silica sand substrate. There are a couple clumps of "bad quality" hairgrass inside with some water wisteria at the back...
  36. uGlitch

    Salvinia Natans, Floating Plant, Suitable For All Tanks

    Aw alright. Thanks anyways. :)
  37. uGlitch

    Salvinia Natans, Floating Plant, Suitable For All Tanks

    I just started up a planted tank. Your contribution will be very helpful. Unfortunately, I don't have anything to offer in return as i only have a few skimpy water wisterias at the moment. Does this floating plant become a pest eventually? eg. take over the tank and block out the light. PS. I...
  38. uGlitch

    Harlequin Rasboras Disappear Overnight

    @stanbysetting They may have jumped out...I don't have a complete cover on my tank, just a light strip. @nosoup4you I hope that's not the case, I try my best to keep my fish happy :S
  39. uGlitch

    Harlequin Rasboras Disappear Overnight

    I looked around on the interwebs and the majority said that harlequin rasboras would be fine with angelfish. I've checked my filter, nothing suspect inside :/
  40. uGlitch

    Harlequin Rasboras Disappear Overnight

    Hi there, I recently bought 12 harlequin rasboras to add into my 35g tank. Unfortunately, I lost 5 overnight. The possible culprits are my angelfish or my powerhead. I found one jammed inside the intake of my powerhead this morning, so I turned it off to observe for another while. Do you think...