35 Gallon Planted *updated*


Fish Fanatic
Sep 9, 2010
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This is what i have done so far with the tank...it looks like it's missing something though.
Any ideas what kind of foreground/midground plants i should add in?
Right now i only have water wisteria in the back right corner.
If it were me I'd take the rocks off the wood as it doesn't look natural, I'd place them around the wood and add more plants, other than that some nice pieces of wood and I like the tannin stained water.
add some java fern and crypts maybe?
If it were me I'd take the rocks off the wood as it doesn't look natural

Unless the rocks are there to sink the wood lol :p

Some vallis in the back left corner, perhaps some anubias on the wood and some small crypts round the front is what I would do ;) However that's just my opinion :D
If it were me I'd take the rocks off the wood as it doesn't look natural

Unless the rocks are there to sink the wood lol :p

Some vallis in the back left corner, perhaps some anubias on the wood and some small crypts round the front is what I would do ;) However that's just my opinion :D

Lol yea, the only reason I have the rocks in there atm is to sink the wood. They take forever to get waterlogged! Those rocks have been in my tank for a bit over a month now and the wood still won't stay down! :grr:

I was thinking of adding in some anubias later, and maybe a carpeting plant in the front, but idk much about the different plants i can put in atm so any suggestions would be nice.
I'm not sure that I like the vallis, but the crypts look nice. Maybe I'll put in a couple crypts and try a carpet as well?

PS. I forgot to mention the specs of the tank. The tank is 35g, 1.8wpg, fluorite/white sand substrate, co2 dosed, and no ferts other than fish poop.

Update: I added in some more water wisteria and decided to bunch them instead of planting them stem by stem.

^The water is a bit cloudy because I did a quick water change to deal with the tannins in the water. I kinda liked how it looked, but it made my harlequins blend in with the water. I couldn't see them at all! :X
So I bought more plants today and added them into the tank.
I was really excited until I saw the finished product. It looks...really messy.
Can anyone good at aquascaping give me some suggestions? :S
Here are the pictures from today (June 09/2011).

Full front view of the tank.

Right side.

Left side.

Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks in advance! :)
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