Harlequin Rasboras Disappear Overnight


Fish Fanatic
Sep 9, 2010
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Hi there, I recently bought 12 harlequin rasboras to add into my 35g tank.
Unfortunately, I lost 5 overnight. The possible culprits are my angelfish or my powerhead.
I found one jammed inside the intake of my powerhead this morning, so I turned it off to observe for another while.
Do you think my angels ate the harlequins? I couldn't find a body anywhere in the tank :(
I would suggest that your angel could be a suspect yes, as their natural food in the wild is neon tetras, and harlequins arent all that different, altohugh your powerhead could be a nother reason.

Also have you checked your filter?
I looked around on the interwebs and the majority said that harlequin rasboras would be fine with angelfish.
I've checked my filter, nothing suspect inside :/
Harlequin Rasbora's shouldn't be eaten by Angel's as they're more full bodied, check around your tank, as T.heteromorpha is prone to jumping.
I'd venture to say that the harlequins were either unhealthy or displeased with some aspect of your water chemistry and they just died, through no fault of your angels or powerhead. After death, their bodies may have been eaten.
They may have jumped out...I don't have a complete cover on my tank, just a light strip.

I hope that's not the case, I try my best to keep my fish happy :S

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