How Much Is Too Much?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 9, 2010
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So I have a 33g planted tank with the following stock:

2x angelfish
15x harlequin rasboras
8x panda corydoras
6x octocinculus catfish

How stocked am I? Would I be able to add more fish in?
I'd personally say you are about on target. I wouldn't add any more fish, especially if the angels aren't yet fully grown as they will need more space as they get older.
Okay, thanks!
I was worried I might be overstocking it with the recent addition of octocinculus in there.
Sounds good to me :) Really nice stocking! I would be tempted by some dwarf cichlids for the bottom the tank looks perfect for them! I would go for either a pair of Laetcara Dorsiger or L.Curviceps or a trio of Apistogramma Panduro :)

Brilliant looking tank though love what you have done with it!

get a nice plec, or dwarf cichlids as mentioned.
Omg! They're beautiful! I never reallly looked into the dwarf cichilids, but a quick google search and i'm already wanting them.
Would they add much on to the bio load? Like kelly said my angels are still juvies and growing fast!
also do these dig? Im not too fond of diggers. :/
The stocking looks great, i agree with Wills though that a pair of dwarf would fit in perfectly. I have Angels with Laetcara Dorsiger in a 30G and there getting along great so far. My personal choice would be either Laetcara Dorsiger or Checkerboard cihlid.
Your tank looks excellent. Angels make nice centerpiece fish, especially if they get on. Your water looks a fantastic colour. Checkerboard cichlids would go well.
Haha I'm not sure if you're serious about the water color minnt :p. I forgot to soak the driftwood before putting it in and it's leaking tannins like crazy. The color is not as intense now since I've been doing major water changes weekly to get rid of them, but the water is still stained.

But I do like the idea of having some dwarf cichlids in there. Do the dwarf ones dig? I've kept some other cichlids before and it didn't really matter how I scaped my tank, they do what they please. :p
Dwarfs do dig a little but not as much as the bigger species. Looking at your tank I would not think that they will make much "damage" so to speak.

Looking at the tank again for me I would go for Apistogramma Panduro, the steel blue male will look incredible in there and they yellow and black females will just top it off and look excellent against the Angels. I would do 1 male and 2 females - maybe even 3 females though you would need to see how it goes?

I don't think there's been a cichlid spawned that doesn't dig (oh, well, maybe angels and discus; not really the right shape, lol) but you shouldn't have many problems with rams or apistogrammas.
Haha thanks I guess? I've been trying to get rid of it forever so the fish colors can actually show through, but hearing that from you makes me feel a bit better about it :p.

I'm liking the Apistogramma Panduro better than the checkerboards, will check my LFS for any asap. :good:
We have a lot of tannins in our water up here in some lakes and streams/rivers. Love that amber hue. We call it "bog stain." As a photographer, I tend to prefer a slightly warmer color palette, and the tannins provide it.
You will find that most tetras actually show up better in tannin stained water as this is their natural type of water conditions. Clear water is all well and good but it's not really that natural unless its a flowing river of some sort.

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