Cloudy Water?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 9, 2010
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I had this aquarium for a bit over a month now.
I had it cycled in the dark and everything before I went and put any plants in.
The tanks is a 35g high tech 1.8wpg fluorite/silica sand substrate. There are a couple clumps of "bad quality" hairgrass inside with some water wisteria at the back.
The current stock of the tank is 2 angels, 7 harlequin rasboras, 6 panda corydoras and 2 pieces of driftwood.
The rocks on the driftwood are temporary. Its just to weigh them down while they become waterlogged.
Does anyone have any idea why it's so cloudy and how to get rid of it? :S

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Did you boil and/or soak the wood before placing it in the tank? It might be tannins coming from the wood. I don't know much about plants. Others will be on to give you more info about what might be going on.
It's very likely that it's your Bogwood causing this, you could soak it for a while out of the tank (even if you already have, it can take weeks to soak fully) or you could leave it in the tank. It wont harm the fish but you must be careful of water changes as the tannins will have lowered your pH so when you change the water you could shock the fish quite badly.
The LFS I got the driftwood from claimed that it was presoaked. I soaked it a couple more days anyways. Any other ideas why its so murky? How do I get rid of it? >.<
Filter floss in yout filter and some big water changes!
Like fluttermouth said big water changes every day and filter floss if you can will catch the small debris that make it look cloudy.won't cause the fish any major problems i reckon but i could be wrong

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