Search results

  1. M

    Would Like To Get Some Shrimp

    Pretty much a no go that is
  2. M

    First Ever Betta

    He will love his own 10 gallon
  3. M

    Family Member "has The Bug"..

    Another over to the dark side...muahahahaaa
  4. M

    Swordtail Fry Video

    Told you youtube would work out better :D EDIT:Also lovely tank
  5. M

    Have A Look Over My Plan For A Shrimp Tank?

    What's your budget? I have just set up a nifty little 30L tank which comes with just about everything(except heater) for £90. I plan on getting a few shrimp for it.
  6. M

    7G Flora Setup (Pictures)

    The kit is untouched, It comes with one full canister. 3 refill canisters are normally going for £12 online.
  7. M

    Breeding Platies And Guppies

    Tank will need to be planted for the fry to hide from adults
  8. M

    My First Fully Grown Fry!

    Nice colour, like magma
  9. M

    7G Flora Setup (Pictures)

    Make me an offer :rolleyes:
  10. M

    My 60L Tank

    do this [img*]"image link"[/img*] Remove *'s (In the topic creating page there is also a auto image button, input your link there and it will create the code)
  11. M

    Editing My Profile?

    you should make a signature :good:
  12. M

    Crypts, Water Lettuce, V. Spiralis Normal+'red'

    okie dokie, got this bookmarked :good:
  13. M

    Need Advice!

    Cloudy water is the "bacteria bloom". Fish at top of water is due to them being poisoned by ammonia :crazy:
  14. M

    Bogwood Tannins

    Weird how this may seem but to soak my pieces I have put them in the back of my toilet system, everytime you flush new water soaks it. Leave them there for about 2 weeks.
  15. M

    Posting A Pic? is good and fast.
  16. M

    Crypts, Water Lettuce, V. Spiralis Normal+'red'

    in the two photos you showed...1st is £3 and 2nd is £4? If that's so ill take the 1st( not really fussed on actual pics)
  17. M

    Crypts, Water Lettuce, V. Spiralis Normal+'red'

    I'm interested in the Anubias gilletii, £4 for 1 ?
  18. M

    7G Flora Setup (Pictures)

    Was planning on having it has a shrimp habitat, was looking at some yellows to breed. Yeah this is the Flora version, it has some sort of soil fert in the gravel. About the CO2 kit, I am not going to use it really. Was going to sell it on here for a matter of fact.
  19. M

    Live Rock

    Wrong forum section lol
  20. M

    Maidenhead Aquatics Staff Wages

    Staff discounts anyone? :hyper:
  21. M

  22. M


    There are many members on here selling top quality moss.
  23. M

    First Tast Of Bloodworms

    not suprised
  24. M

    Cleaned My Car At The Weekend

    Very Shiny
  25. M

    Male Guppies

    bromance :good:
  26. M

    Quick Cycling Question

    I just like having the light on for some reason, but now I know I'll leave it.
  27. M

    Water Declorinater

    Tetra Aquasafe 250ml Best imo
  28. M

    Quick Cycling Question

    So just started fishless cycling my 7 gallon, added 5ppm of Ammonia. My question is, can I have the aquarium light on at all? or will that promote algae? Thanks EDIT: Also the Tank has no plants at all
  29. M


    Start off slow, I used to feed mine to fish with a tweezers. Try to avoid leaving any to rot.
  30. M

    7G Flora Setup (Pictures)

    This set-up will be detailing the days from starting to Cycle the tank all the way to buying Stock. To prevent the Topic looking like one big untidy mess I have organised each of the dates into viewable spoiler bars. To view the individual days click the "Show" button on the corresponding date...
  31. M

    Feeding Live Shrimp. Cruel Or Okay?

    It is your tank, you have paid to raise them. It's YOUR decision. Don't let anyone else's morals change your mind (Keeping the population down means a better life for the rest of them. think about it ;) )
  32. M

    Hello And A Few Questions To Help Me On The Way.....

    You cant always rely on the automatic thermostat some heaters have.