Have A Look Over My Plan For A Shrimp Tank?


Fish Gatherer
Sep 1, 2011
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Hello everyone!

My boyfriend was kind enough to give me money this Valentine's day to get myself a shrimp tank. My room is currently being redecorate and I dont want to set it up until everything is done, though it's looking like it may be completed in the next few weeks.

The appeal of a shrimp tank for me was that it is low tech and low maintenance. My original plan was to run an air pump on a timer to create a bit of water movement (not on much, but maybe to come on maybe three or four times a day), but I've since found a super cheap sponge filter that I can attach. Not for the amount of filtering it's really going to be doing, but it can't hurt. This is all the filtering I want to do really to save on the electric. I'd have a small heater in the tank, more to make sure the tank doesn't get too cold than really heat the tank. Hoping to pick up a cheap light somewhere, though I'm still on a search. Looking to just have the light on for my own enjoyment rather than X hours a day. I've considered placing it on my windowsill which would help create light in the tank, but not sure about algae. It's a north facing window so there isn't ever any direct sunlight, just general light from outside.

Tank size, I'm aiming for something in the 10-20L region, though hopefully towards the lower end of that scale. Ideally glass/acrylic because I dont like the look of cheap plastic tanks.

Substrate, I'm not sure what to go for yet (please give me ideas!). Definitely something dark to bring out the shrimp colours. My LFS sells black glass substrate though I'm not 100% sure if I like it. It also sells soil which it says is for potting aquatic plants, but may be a possibility?

Looking for very low demand plants - anubias, java fern, moss etc. Open to suggestions on this one. Willing to dose liquid ferts if need be but that's as far as I'm willing to go in messing about with plants. Probably going to go for rocks as a focal point rather than wood, just so I can be different to my main tank. Willing to change that though if anyone can tell me if wood would be more beneficial.

I've just sort of splurged out all my plans and thoughts here, but I'd be grateful if anyone has any pointers or opinions they'd like to give :)
What's your budget? I have just set up a nifty little 30L tank which comes with just about everything(except heater) for £90. I plan on getting a few shrimp for it.
My boyfriend gave me £40 to get me started, though I know I'll need to put some of my own money in. Not got a budget as such, but am trying to spend enough to get something nice without spending more than I have to.

I know Pets at Home have tanks in the capacity I want for between £15-25, gonna go on Friday and see what takes my fancy. Would love something fancier like the one you linked to but just can't justify that kind of money. Will likely buy a light separately as the tanks that come with a light included are generally more than I want to spend.
Perhaps the coolest shrimp tank I ever set up was a little 1 gallon tank with a few plants as filtration. i added 3 red cherries to it and didn't need to heat it and the plants filtered it. I set it up in the window of my kitchen and everything did quite well.
Does anyone have any suggestions for substrate?

Wanting to go for something dark as I've heard it brings out the colours more, but other than that I don't really know what's best.
Basically just some black aquarium gravel if you have light colored or clear shrimps and sand if you have darker colored shrimps.

I like sand as a substrate best, though. The shrimp love it and it is more natural looking.
My plan is to go with cherry shrimp to begin with as those are available quite easily and cheaply from my LFS. Keep those for a little while to make sure everything is well and good, then move them into my main tank and get something a little more exotic - possible crystal reds.

I've not seen any black gravel around any of my local shops. I like the look of sand but I have sand in my main tank and I'm wanting to go with something a little different. Also considering rocks rather than wood for this reason.
If your wanting black gravel, the pets at home stuff is pretty good.

Oh and i found that sand is better for shrimp tanks as it is easier to clean and thus keep the nitrate levels down.
Might be worth going with black (or very dark) sand if I can find some locally or cheap online. Went shopping today and the tank I'm going to go with if I don't see anything more appealing before setup time is 12 litres so I wouldnt need much of it.

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