Feeding Live Shrimp. Cruel Or Okay?


Fish Crazy
Jan 8, 2012
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I have recently bought a 190 liter fluval venizia which is currently going through its cycle. Once it is complete and I have transferred my fish from my 60 liter I am going to start a shrimp tank.

My question is this. Is it morraly wrong to feed shrimp every once in a while to my big tank? This will mainly be to control population if they breed like wildfire.

I know my Angel fish enjoy a shrimp they hunted them down in my small tank, nice expensive snack. :angry:

My wife thinks I am cruel and my LFS employee just looked at me like I had took a crap in his tank! :hyper:

Is it okay or am I being a massive douche?
you could always sell excess shrimp on ebay and put the money towards fish food
I could but I personally like the idea of a live snack.

It's like having a bar of chocolate every once in a while but for fish. That's how I see it but I am just wondering what other peoples opinions are.

I am nice really, I'm not as evil as this thread makes me sound. :grr:

It is your tank, you have paid to raise them. It's YOUR decision.

Don't let anyone else's morals change your mind
(Keeping the population down means a better life for the rest of them. think about it ;) )
its your fish but I wouldn't, its one thing in the wild but in an enclosed space its cruel imo to feed live food
IMO its no different to letting your fish breed in a community tank and letting nature take its course, but I can understand conflicting opinions on this.
I just thought you were wondering what to do with excess shrimp, if you want to do that then it's up to you. i'd rather have £1 per shrimp and give the fish a snack of frozen krill
I fed my apistos with live brine shrimp, and they loved it. I don't think it's any different to feeding crickets to your pet iguana or suchlike
personally I think it's fine. It happens in mother nature all the time. Mother nature can be pretty cruel. If your fish has any skills it will at least kill the shrimp quickly. That can't be said for every animal in the animal kingdom. I feed live prey to my reptiles, so its obviously not a issue with me. Mine are bug eaters, so most people don't have an issue with that, but a bug is just as alive as a shrimp, mouse, etc.

If you are comfortable with it then by all means do so. Your fish will probably love you for it. If you want things to be more "natural" than just give the baby shrimp something they can hide in.
its your fish but I wouldn't, its one thing in the wild but in an enclosed space its cruel imo to feed live food

What's cruel is taking animals from their native environment and imprisoning them in a tiny box, and we're all guilty of that!
its your fish but I wouldn't, its one thing in the wild but in an enclosed space its cruel imo to feed live food

What's cruel is taking animals from their native environment and imprisoning them in a tiny box, and we're all guilty of that!

Very True.

I dont see anything wrong with it, what happens in the wild can happen in a tank, no problem. I let my kribs hunt down the last 5 Cherry Shrimp i couldnt locate when i moved them from the big tank to the small tank. In all honesty, i felt a bit bad, they're ornamental shrimp, but they would be eaten in the wild, so why should i feel bad they got eaten in my tank? (other than the cost issue!)

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