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  1. BackToTheFishes

    What A Difference 4 Months Makes!

    Thanks,and I hope you mean its plants you kill and you're not confessing to some murders? :lol:
  2. BackToTheFishes

    Paul's 6X2X2

    Yeah thats confusing me,I dont know if they missed a "/" out and meant marine AND plants I've seen some on here talk about using ho tubes on planted tanks -_-
  3. BackToTheFishes

    What A Difference 4 Months Makes!

    Just a couple of pics of my 36"x18"x15" early May,first day of planting. How it looks today.
  4. BackToTheFishes

    Paul's 6X2X2

    cool thanks :good: Now,this is going to seem a nasty way to ask a polite question. Please dont answer if you are going to start "I dont know,but I think blah blah blah" lol Can standard t5 tubes be used...
  5. BackToTheFishes

    My New Fluval 205

    I give my 205 a quick rinse out once a fortnight,squeeze the sponges out in tank water.simples :P
  6. BackToTheFishes

    Paul's 6X2X2 This mentions a timed switch.Is that a specific piece of kit?Or just a plug-in like you'd get from argos?
  7. BackToTheFishes

    How Many Watts Of Heat For A 150G?

    I'm getting 2 300W hydor external heaters for my 180G.Better too much than not enough :P
  8. BackToTheFishes

    Compatibility Question

    I just peed a little reading this! :lol: Whats the point of asking opinions from people with experience then banging on about "scientific" proof to back up the advice? Unless someone develops a way to communicate with fish and ask them how they feel in different size tanks,how will "opinions"...
  9. BackToTheFishes

    Angel With Missing Bits :(

    Tank is 42 usg.I know too small for adult angels,but they are going in my 180 gal soon. tankmates 1 pearl gourami 9 black neons 7 green neons 6 emerald eye rasboras 8 peppered corys 7 coral platies 1 sucking loach And now the angel is confusing the hell out of me,2 days ago he was swimming the...
  10. BackToTheFishes

    Superb Scape - Full Interview And Some Setup Pictures

    :hyper: :drool: :wub: speechless!!!!!!!
  11. BackToTheFishes

    Angel With Missing Bits :(

    I'm at a loss.I've treated for finrot and velvet(was in the tank,now clear) Water stats are all fine and all the other fish are perfect.This one is still pushing through for food and swimming,slowly,but good. Any ideas whats wrong? Edit...I forgot to say,this is actually looking a LITTLE...
  12. angel.jpg


  13. BackToTheFishes

    Do You Think This Is Too Much?

    You're just being silly now! it should be 16x4xFOUR! the rest looks fine though :good: :lol:
  14. BackToTheFishes

    New Stuff, From Hagen!

    Gimmiccy "easy" aquariums = more inexperienced fishkeepers and unhappy fish :S
  15. BackToTheFishes

    180Us Gallon Community

    ATM its 2,that may change when they are in the tank,I dont want it looking too cluttered and mixed up,but if it still seems fairly open when they are in,another group may be in the offing ;)
  16. BackToTheFishes

    180Us Gallon Community

    I love hatchets,but ATM my tank is going to be open topped,so a S$%tload of hatchet fish gliding around the room may be an issue lol
  17. BackToTheFishes

    180Us Gallon Community

    I'd LOVE discus,but I already have the angels in my 3ft tank,so,no discus pour moi! :( lol I'm doing the small colourful route,but like I say,if someone has a suggestion for a big "stand out" peacefull fish that will go well,I'm open to ideas
  18. BackToTheFishes

    180Us Gallon Community

    Thanks.Congos are out,no good reason why,I just don't like them lol And I have been thinking about a BIG shoal of threadfin rainbows,great minds think alike lol
  19. BackToTheFishes

    180Us Gallon Community

    Anything is helpful :) I've been the "pair of oscars and huge plec" route before,so I want to go with a "peaceful" community now.if there is a large(ish) fish that would fit into this idea then I'm all ears..or eyes anyway :P
  20. BackToTheFishes

    Anodized Aluminum In Water? Heat Sink?

    I know its not exactly the same environment,but,I had an anodized tongue stud once,and the colour vanished after a few months :S So I personally wouldnt trust it in a tank
  21. BackToTheFishes

    180Us Gallon Community

    I'm about a month from setting up my 6x2x2.It will be a reletively heavily planted community. The inhabitants so far will be.. 100+ Lemon tetras (possibly 200) 30+ Cories (peppered or panda) 4 Angels. Any thoughts what else?I love Boesman rainbows,but have read somewhere that they need hard...
  22. BackToTheFishes

    Anyone Know Where I Can Find?

    Have you tried java plants?
  23. BackToTheFishes

    Pleco Help

    Plecs WILL feed on dead fish,but I have never known them to attack healthy ones :S
  24. BackToTheFishes

    Whats The Best Solitary Pet Fish To Keep?

    1 neon? :lol: No,seriously,can't go wrong with oscars and a plec
  25. BackToTheFishes

    Video Just A Quick Video I Put Together

    I hate you...ummmm,I mean,nice tank! :good: :lol:
  26. BackToTheFishes

    Advice From Electricians?

    I'm thinking the light units I mentioned + arcadia replacement leads?Not gonna skimp on the safety,so I dont mind paying the little bit extra for the waterproof leads.
  27. BackToTheFishes

    Paul's 6X2X2

    I have read in PFK about a guy who use "garden soil" topped with fine gravel.Anyone? Is it just soil dug up from the garden?Or composts like you get from B&Q? :unsure:
  28. BackToTheFishes

    Advice From Electricians?

    nice one,cheers mate :good:
  29. BackToTheFishes

    Advice From Electricians? Does anyone here know (or actually done this) if these can be pulled to bits and used for t5 tubes? I did it YEARS ago with t8's,but I have no idea if the ballasts are different for t5's.I'm hoping to...
  30. BackToTheFishes

    Mollies, Free To Good Homes!

    Location helps dude :good: :D
  31. BackToTheFishes

    Check This Bargain Out !

    I didnt realise cabinets can be made from laminate flooring! :S
  32. BackToTheFishes

    So We Decided To Kick Things Off With...

    A pair of dwarfs would be good :)
  33. BackToTheFishes

    The Things We Do For Our Obsession With Fish!

    Why would you sell it? I see a whole new project for you there :good: :hey: New tank looks great btw :D
  34. BackToTheFishes

    Lfs Ignorance... I'm Not Responsible!

    Oh good gawd!He couldn't tell the difference between kribs and black widows???? hahaha If you see any discus in his shop,tell him they're neons,I'll come pick them up! :lol:
  35. BackToTheFishes

    Has Anyone Else Been Spat At?

    I hope you spat back at him to show who's boss? lol
  36. BackToTheFishes

    Code Red: Please Help Me!

    I think the total stripdown maybe the best option if you can rehome the fish for a little while,anything that you salvage from the tank will need boiling and serious scrubbing with fresh water
  37. BackToTheFishes

    Code Red: Please Help Me!

    Shoot your roommate? :P I'd either have a total stripdown of the tank,or,huge water changes and carbon in the filter :S
  38. BackToTheFishes

    Changing From 2Xt8 30W Tubes To 2Xt5 54W

    I haven't set the new tank up yet and in my current 180ltr the tabs, flourish and lighting has been working well together, my plants have grown really well in there. To be completely honest I'm not the 'technical type' I'm too blonde I think. Things are only easy when you know how and after...