180Us Gallon Community


May 2, 2010
Reaction score
Wrexham,N Wales
I'm about a month from setting up my 6x2x2.It will be a reletively heavily planted community.
The inhabitants so far will be..
100+ Lemon tetras (possibly 200)
30+ Cories (peppered or panda)
4 Angels.

Any thoughts what else?I love Boesman rainbows,but have read somewhere that they need hard water?Will they be ok in soft acid water?
And will there be room for a large (100) shoal of rummynose tetras?
Any thoughts/discussion will be helpful and welcomed :good:
Are you sticking with smaller fish? if i had a tank that size, i might be tempted to get some silly big fish. Not really sure, but something mean! (this isn't very helpful, is it?!)
Are you sticking with smaller fish? if i had a tank that size, i might be tempted to get some silly big fish. Not really sure, but something mean! (this isn't very helpful, is it?!)

Anything is helpful :)
I've been the "pair of oscars and huge plec" route before,so I want to go with a "peaceful" community now.if there is a large(ish) fish that would fit into this idea then I'm all ears..or eyes anyway :p
What about keyholes? Aren't they quite peaceful? See if I had a tank that big I'd also have a peaceful community with large numbers of shoaling fish, but I'd do it SA theme with discus etc :) guess it depends what you're looking for - lots of colour, lots of small fish or some bigger ones?
I would add a shoal of rainbowfish (there are many different kinds) or congo tetras.
Thanks.Congos are out,no good reason why,I just don't like them lol
And I have been thinking about a BIG shoal of threadfin rainbows,great minds think alike lol
What about keyholes? Aren't they quite peaceful? See if I had a tank that big I'd also have a peaceful community with large numbers of shoaling fish, but I'd do it SA theme with discus etc :) guess it depends what you're looking for - lots of colour, lots of small fish or some bigger ones?
I'd LOVE discus,but I already have the angels in my 3ft tank,so,no discus pour moi! :( lol
I'm doing the small colourful route,but like I say,if someone has a suggestion for a big "stand out" peacefull fish that will go well,I'm open to ideas
I'd do a few Severums, two schools of Rainbowfish (probably Praecox and Lacustris), some Geophagus Tapajos and some bottom dwellers like Corydoras and or small/mid size Plecs.
That sounds awesome!! How about a big group of hatchets aswell?
That sounds awesome!! How about a big group of hatchets aswell?
I love hatchets,but ATM my tank is going to be open topped,so a S$%tload of hatchet fish gliding around the room may be an issue lol

Haha good call.

But love the idea of a huge group of tetra! I think that's what I'd do with a big tank.

Are you sticking with the 2 groups of tetra or is another group an option?
That sounds awesome!! How about a big group of hatchets aswell?
I love hatchets,but ATM my tank is going to be open topped,so a S$%tload of hatchet fish gliding around the room may be an issue lol

Haha good call.

But love the idea of a huge group of tetra! I think that's what I'd do with a big tank.

Are you sticking with the 2 groups of tetra or is another group an option?
ATM its 2,that may change when they are in the tank,I dont want it looking too cluttered and mixed up,but if it still seems fairly open when they are in,another group may be in the offing ;)
How about a nice schoal of Black Phantom Tetras?

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